Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Law and Legal Instrumentalism

Law, a set of coherent rules and values within a society, is a human process. As such, it is crucial to approach its application within society in a pragmatic and realistic sense rather than a formal one, which views law as a set of mechanical and abstract principles. A legal realist approach on law takes into account extra-legal factors which help shape how law is used within a social context. This approach does not view the discipline of law as a literal set of principles to be formally detected and applied, but recognizes that the interpretation of law by legal actors is manipulated by situational factors.BrianTamanaha in Law as a Means to an End: Threat to the Rule of Law examines how law, originally understood as an â€Å"instrumental to serve the social good†, is now just a mere instrument to further the goals and agendas of those who have access in its use (Tamanaha, 4). In essence, the notion of a common â€Å"social good† is no longer a qualifiable condition of law. In a complex, multi-faceted society, it is optimistic to presume that there is a true identifiable social good. Thus, lawyers, legislatures, judges and other legal actors are capable of using law to further their personal or collective political, social and economic interests.Tamanaha examines the ways in which legal actors, specifically cause litigants and judges, instrumentally exercise law. Thus, the term instrumentalism, a form of legal realism, is a pragmatic method which stems away from a formal application of law by critically examining cause litigation and judicial activism. Although law may be used as a mechanism to achieve a certain outcome, it is not used lawlessly and without merit as lawyers are advocating for a broad social cause and judges use law based on the merits of the constitution, given the benefit of time and postulated reason of their decision making.Brown, a case regarding segregation within the United States emerged with lawyers stirring up lawsuits b y informing African American citizens of their legal rights (Tamanaha 159). The process of instigating litigation was previously prohibited in common law practice; it was not professionally ethical for lawyers to set lawsuits in motion. However, it became increasingly common for lawyers to achieve change in public policy and legislation by fighting for a specific cause within the judicial arena. This ethod was forward-looking in that the courts became a battle field for interest groups seeking remedial change; the decision of the law was not necessarily to compensate for any harm inflicted in the past, but to change the policy in the future. This expansion from the traditional bilateral litigation no longer was to award the affected parties with compensation, but became a method to attain a reformative decree (Tamanaha 161). Eventually, cause litigation was an encouraged means to advance societal goals, in the sectors of environment protection, political reform and mental health, to name a few (Tamanaha 160).Although such issues of public policy appear to benefit society as a whole, the intent of the cause lawyers who instigate such legal actions is questionable to Tamanaha. The lawyers in these situations are no longer amoral technicians of law, but individuals who seek their own ideological implementation (Tamanaha 156). The cause which lawyers strive towards becomes the primary concern, whereas the clients themselves are secondary, fulfilling the standing requirement before the court (Tamanaha 156).This can be very detrimental to the clients because they may not be aware of the consequences of their legal actions. For instance, Baehr v. Lewin, 1993 was a successful lawsuit brought forth to legalize same-sex marriage in Hawaii. Although the litigants won, the ultimate consequence was detrimental; following it was a series of amendments nation-wide which prohibited same-sex marriage (Tamanaha 167). The battlefield within the court became not a place to determ ine legal rights, but a remedial catalyst in public policy. Such political battles focus on adversarial ideologies rather than legal rules and merit.However, the work of cause litigants cannot be narrowly categorized as one that is purely self-serving. More often than not, cause lawyers instigate lawsuits by informing the oppressed and disadvantaged of their rights. By doing so, they use law to encourage political change to the otherwise uninformed public. These causes often grow to become social movements as it â€Å"provides the basis for a sustained series of interactions between power holders and persons successfully claiming to speak on behalf of a constituency lacking formal representation (Austin 2)†. This formal epresentation demands change from the power holders with a strong backing of social support. Often, these groups lack the resources and skills which lawyers can provide, offering their advice to enlighten the marginalized group to â€Å"initiate and nurture p olitical mobilization† (Austin 4). The instrumental use of law by judges is immensely threatening to the judicial system and to a democratic society as a whole. Judges who use law to achieve a certain outcome undermines the rule of law. The legal system requires that judges be objective arbitrators of the law.As independent bodies, it is essential that they remain impartial in their decision making and delegate based on rule, and not personal preferences (Tamanaha 227). This is a crucial aspect of the rule of law, which binds the action of the state to pre-fixed rules, placing judges equal under and before the law, just as all other subjects of society. The rule of law ensures transparency and predictability which prevents the government from ruling coercively. It is an essential component to a democratic state.However, when judges decide a cases, they may be inclined to achieve a particular result. In essence, they are using laws to achieving another end, namely one that stre ngthens their own ideological beliefs and interests. Whether it is a certain political philosophy or a particular social policy which they seek, arbitrarily decided cases and manipulated law enforcement defeats the characteristics of the judicial branch of the state. Because there is no particular hierarchy of values, judges are able to promote some while extinguishing others.The general terms of legal rules allows judges to focus on the consequences of their decision. Their decisions will naturally be based on their political affiliations or ideological tendencies. Consequently, it is difficult to believe that judges are truly impartial in decision making. The result of judicial activism is that private attitudes become public law (Tamanaha 234). Furthermore, the procedural process of the case takes a backwards approach; the decision is made first, then it is justified by the legal rules which judges find applicable (Tamanaha 236)Nevertheless, there is a certain form of procedure w hich judges are bound to. Although values are not ranked hierarchically, there are two forms of rights obtained from the constitution: specified rights and secondary rights (Bork 17). The latter is of utmost importance as it addresses the values held by the constitution, such as the right to vote or procedures in criminal processing, all which the courts need to protect (Bork 17). The former alludes to the principled rules which the original framers of the text intended to convey (Bork 17).Because constitutional law does not have a concrete theoretical premise on which adjudicators are required to base their decision making processes on, they are founded on neutral principles. That is, issues are addressed based on general principles postulated on reason to ensure that conflicting values are not lawlessly chosen over one another (Bork 2). Granted, there are adversaries in the legal principles to which judges ascribe. Therefore, it is critical for the judges to recognize that in deci ding cases, they are setting legal precedent, and therefore should have a firm belief that the values being applied are done so lawfully.These beliefs are in relation to the legal system as a whole, not their personal preferences (Bork 2). Ultimately, Bork’s concern lies not with the decisions made by judges but what makes their decisions legitimate. The courts essentially work as advocates for the minority who otherwise would have no say on the issue at hand. Helping the powerless realize their rights is a form of advocacy that judges take. It is not about undermining the rule of law, but giving opportunity to access the law (Bork 3).Nevertheless, it is crucial for judges to base their decisions off of neutral principles; just as principles and values cannot be applied lawlessly, they just the same cannot be defined lawlessly (Bork 8). The critical examination of judicial review goes beyond it’s obvious implications and expositions of undermining the rule of rule. It is unfair to presume that judges are completely unreasoned in their decision making. There is a level of predictability as judges are bound to legal precedent and cannot decide cases in an tyrannical manner.Although the courts are not elected officials who are granted the power to delegitimize legislation, they are in many ways better equipped in making such decisions. For instance, the courts are distanced from political or social pressure allows them to make sound decisions in a timely matter. Elected officials tend to act on expediency and pressure when it comes to making value-based decisions (Bickel 25). Essentially, they are inclined towards one side of the issue in order to appeal to the interest of the predominate voters, as opposed to abiding to the fundamental values of law (Bickel 25).Judges on the other hand make decisions far from societal pressures, with more leeway in terms of time. This gives the courts the ability to make more calculated decisions, taking into consi deration not only the fundamental values of the state but also the unforeseen implications of a decision. (Bickel 26) In dealing with the pith and substance of a case, decisions are argued to be â€Å"sober second thoughts† (Bickel 26). Ultimately, the use of law within a judicial context by judges and lawyers is not an arbitrarily unfair process.Such legal actors are bound to the values of the laws within society. Such values are premised on the rule of law, the foundational concept of a democratic society. Cause litigants are often involved in social issues and advocate for those who require a formal delegate. These cause lawyers may use law in such a way to achieve a certain outcome, but this outcome results in change in public policy to those who are otherwise be unaware of their legal rights. Moreover, although judges may have their own social desires and political preferences, they cannot easily sway towards them.Their professional duty requires them to be consciously r ule-bound and rely on the precedent. Further, the basis of their decision is on neutral principles. Such principles are not vague and abstract, but stem from the precedent of previous judges in common law. Instrumentalism is pragmatic in that it recognizes that law is not a math; there is not a formula which judges rely on. However, social movements and changes through the judiciary ensures that fresh insight is continuously brought about within society, giving room for social change and progress.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Cold War: Cuba and Latin America Essay

Cold War: Cuba and Latin America There were several motivations for United States policy in Latin America during the 1950’s and the 1960’s. Some of these motivations included the applying of the policy of containment in Latin American to stop the spread of communism. Another motivation was to stop the growing alliance between Cuba and the Soviet Union. All of these motivations were set in place to avoid the development of a second Cuba in Latin America. It was urgent for the United States to act since now there was Soviet Union presence in Latin America offering to be an ally. The United States had numerous justifications for the polices that it followed during it’s presence in Latin America. One of them being President John F. Kennedy’s Alliance for Progress. The United States offered Latin America countries that were developing economically aid; this was a method of applying the policy of containment. The United States need to stop communism motivated them to pass the Alliance for Progr ess. The United States justified the policy by arguing that they needed to have a policy in Latin America that went beyond the Roosevelt Corollary. After 1959, the United State was still devoted to ridding Fidel Castro’s presence from Cuba. The United States policy makers saw the alliance between Cuba and Soviet Union as dangerous thing, particularly after the critical Cuban Missile Crisis. In the Dominican Republic, the Johnson Administration justified the assassination of Rafael Trujillo since his dictatorship had become a liability to the United States. Trujillo was at one point a United States ally because he was willing to protect its interests but he was cruel to his own people and the United States feared he would spark a revolution in the Dominican Republic, much like the one that had brought Fidel Castro to power. There were many things that the United States ignored as it followed the polices that they had enacted. One, being the lack of evidence that there was a relationship between Castro and the Soviet Union before 1959. Another being that the Alliance for Progress was modeled on the Marshall Plan for Western Europe but Latin America was not Western Europe (92). There was also the contradiction between the Alliance for Progress, that it was nice than the method that it followed in Latin America during the 1960’s.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Money cannot buy happiness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Money cannot buy happiness - Essay Example But, this is paradoxical as money can’t really buy happiness. It is written in many spiritual texts that money can only buy the source but not true content of happiness. For example, money can buy a house but not a home filled with love and affection; it can buy a bed but not sleep; it can buy companions but not friends. Money is required for satisfaction of material wants, and there is no end to human wants. In the race of achieving more and more material needs, man tends to forget to be happy. Man is a social animal and cannot live in isolation. Rich men attract people, but hardly have any friends; or, tend to lose friends in due course because their focus is towards making more money rather than to give time to their beloved ones and value their affection (Jet, 15). As a result, men having money become lonely with no people to care for by the end. Such life is certainly not a happy one. Happiness lies in being cared for and caring for others. Money cannot prevent one from losing his/her life; only love and affection can be cherished even after the loss. Jet Magazine quotes that the psychologist, Dr. Lewis-Jack believes that real happiness is ‘peace of mind, good health and being content with yourself and where you are at this point in your life; having goals and a willingness to work toward achieving those goals’ (p.18). This is very true because chasing after money will affect one’s health in the due course of time, which will necessitate treatment and care. For this, the person will have to rush to health care where he will receive care upon paying money; but, this care will not be original and true to his/her internal satisfaction. Secondly, chasing after money causes mental and emotional stress; this will manifest in the form of quarrels, misunderstandings, depression, anxiety and fear. Greed for money will also

Sunday, July 28, 2019

One topic or theme that compares and contrasts traditional and more Essay - 1

One topic or theme that compares and contrasts traditional and more recent innovations in our understanding of equality and diversity - Essay Example abilities approach in managing diversity revolves around the ability to measure people’s abilities and what they can achieve as well as what they can become, in order to allocate the right amount and the right kind of resources in their development or welfare (Comim, et al, 2008, p.84). Capabilities are seen as opportunities for well being and therefore, justice is seen in terms of how an individual will achieve his well being (Kaufman, 2006 p.2). According to Hernandez and O’Connor (2009, p.165), the HR department has a lot of power in determining which titles will be given to who and who will get how much in their pay and this means that the HR department has a strong rein on how people develop in the organization. Managing diversity in the workplace is one of the biggest challenges and yet exciting processes in the workplace. Managing diversity is essential in meeting organizations goals and implementing its strategy (Wilkinson, 2009, p.232). According to Cornelius (2002, p.153), having workforce that is entirely diverse starts at recruitment and the HR department should and must have the right strategy for achieving this. With this regard, there are both traditional and modern approaches to managing diversity. Traditional methods of managing diversity were mostly from the US and were focused on creating a work environment that took care of ethnic differences. Managing diversity has, however, changed and today, not only it is a global management issue but it has taken a new route. Modern diversity management focuses on managing talent and making sure that people abilities are given equal opportunity without regard to their race, health or cultures. The difference between traditional strategies in managing diversity and the current approach is that the current methodology does not give minority groups in the work place more opportunity just because they are a minority. For instance, in the older strategies for managing diversities in the workplace, a

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Multinational Marketing Information Systems Term Paper

Multinational Marketing Information Systems - Term Paper Example The strategy usually involves a choice – to either standardize or adapt. Most of the time, the company chooses a strategy that is a combination of both standardization and adaptation. Standardization refers to the application of a marketing mix to the whole global market – the same solution applied in the company’s home (North American) market, for instance, is used likewise employed in its newly opened Southeast Asian operations, for instance. This obviously has its drawbacks at first glance. Total standardization seldom works across different countries because of differences in language, consumer preferences, culture, laws, marketing infrastructure, and competition structure. (Alimiene et al, 2008) On the other hand, seldom does the total adaptation of marketing solutions work for a multinational enterprise, either. In such situations, the company could not take advantage of the economies of scale, marketing expertise, and information acquired in the other markets where the company maintains its presence. The ideal marketing strategy is one that exploits the advantages of being able to address the cultural differences of foreign markets and separate products that comes with adaptation, while at the same time employing the economies of scale and global market knowledge gained through standardization. The diagram below is presented in order to better highlight the complications involved in multinational marketing strategy formulation. During product development, a stage of the business cycle wherein marketing information plays a determinative factor, the multinational company employs a variety of internal strengths that may emanate from different locations around the globe. For instance, in the example given the product concept is hatched in Singapore, approved in Houston, and designed in Singapore and Taiwan. The final assembly involves production plants in various regions of the world, for local markets.

Friday, July 26, 2019

English 1010 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

English 1010 - Essay Example It was actually the conversation that Edge had, earlier in the day, with Lionel Dufour, the proprietor of the Farm Fresh Supplier Company, the Company that specialized in the making of the pickled pig lip, concerning the use of pickled pig lip as human food, that gave Edge the courage to taste the pickled pig lip. In the conversation, Dufour had reassured Edge that pickled pig lip is a very good human food. The article lastly describes how Edge eventually ate the pickled pig lip, despite being squeamish about eating it. With his courage bolstered by the conversation that he had with Dufour and, also, having been encourage by Audrey, the bar owner’s wife, Edge eventually ate the pickled pig lip together with some potato chips. Edge, however, fought the urge to vomit as he ate the pickled pig lip; but after eating it, Edge said that, although the taste of the pickled pig lip was foreign to him, the taste wasn’t altogether

How could that nice person have committed such a devious fraud What Essay

How could that nice person have committed such a devious fraud What are the characteristics of prospective fraud perpetrators Can a fraud perpetrator personality be predicted - Essay Example scientists have not been able to identify well-understood and well-defined psychological set of traits that could be used for diagnosing the tendency or propensity of fraud in an individual (Ramamoorti 524). To a large extent, the tendency of an individual to commit fraud or crime depends upon the environment and context. â€Å"Criminal opportunities are presented by those vulnerable environments and opportunistically interpretable scenarios that individuals and groups see as offering attractive potential for criminal reward with little apparent risk of detection or penalty† (Ramamoorti 524). There is a wide range of characteristics of a prospective fraud perpetrator. Prospective fraud perpetrators tend to seek more knowledge and awareness about different matters that they are not seemingly so related to. Prospective fraud perpetrators tend to study the history of an organization and find out about other people who have committed frauds in the past, how they did it, and what was their fate. Fraud perpetrators are suspicious. They may be unnecessarily too friendly and chatty or be excessively silent and socially excluded. Prospective fraud perpetrators are interested in crime stories and movies because they happen to learn a lot of new strategies and techniques to commit fraud in such forms of literature. Prospective fraud perpetrators exaggerate other’s small mistakes and are smart enough to hold others responsible for inappropriate or wrong things that they have themselves done. Prospective fraud perpetrators keep an eye on the latest technology and have a tenden cy to develop skills and competency in the use of new software and technology sooner and quicker than others. Prospective fraud perpetrators often have large networks and channels that they use to commit the fraud. The personality of a fraud perpetrator be predicted. Certain behaviors are commonly found among the fraud perpetrators. These behaviors include but are not limited to lying,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Ultrasound risk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ultrasound risk - Essay Example These bounce off the baby and the returning echoes are translated by a computer into an image on a screen that reveals the baby's position and movements. Hard tissues such as bone reflect the biggest echoes and are white in the image, and soft tissues appear grey and speckled. Fluids (such as the amniotic fluid that the baby lies in) do not reflect any echoes so appear black. It is the contrast between these different shades of white, grey and black that allows your sonographer to interpret the images.Most parents look forward to their scan because it gives them the first glimpse of their baby. The sonographer will give you an ultrasound report with a printout of your baby's images. Some hospitals may even give a photograph of your baby's images as a keepsake at an additional cost. However, it is important to remember that the main purpose of the scan is not to provide the first photo for your baby album, or to find out your baby's sex, either. It is to check that your baby is growin g and developing normally." (What is an Ultrasound Scan) The risks involved in Diagnostic are believed to be very controversial and the risks involved aren't known completely. This uncertainly makes this whole process a very daunting one for some women. Several authors have written on this controversial subject and concluded that ultrasound has no ill effects; on the contrary some authors have succeeded in proving that this process involves more risks than perceived by the human beings. "Although the effects of ultrasound are still being studied, no harmful effects to either the mother or the baby have been found in over 20 years of use. The long-term risks of ultrasound, if any, are unknown, but there are many benefits." Others warn that it is insufficiently tested, and make comparisons with X-rays and DES, which were once considered safe. The main area of debate is whether ultrasound is being used too frequently in a routine fashion in healthy pregnancies, without thorough enough testing. There may be some association between ultrasound and low birth weight (Blatt). (Altho' this is difficult to prove because the opposite assertion is known to be true: i.e. if there is IUGR (intra-uterine growth retardation) US will be performed more regularly to assess the progress of the baby.) Some people express concern about the heat and cavitation (bubbling in the cells). Others wonder whether routine ultrasound is cost effective, or whether the money involved would be more effectively spent elsewhere." (What are the Risks of Ultrasound) Effects and Mechanisms The study of transducer is pivotal as far as diagnostic ultrasound is concerned, this process is also known as probe or scan-head. The overall clinical quality depends on this scan-head, it is heavily dependent to determine more important things than one. "Modernultrasoundtransducers often contain 128 and in some cases 288 or more elements. It is well known that with time and normal wear and tear, individual elements within the transducerarray can cease working altogether (i.e., dead elements) or demonstrate significantly reduced sensitivity compared to their original specification. Further, these compromised elements (either "dead" or degraded) fundamentally affect the operation of the entiretransducer, and therefore can have a negative impact on clinical results, and potentially, the efficacy of the entireultrasoundstudy.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Master Harold and the Boys Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Master Harold and the Boys - Essay Example This piece by Athol Fugard is founded on the early life of playwright in South Africa. The play is not about ordinary retelling of a past occurrence by the writer; rather Fugard presents an individual experience that happens to be extending to the widespread humanity. Supposing the play happened to be a merely polemic touching on the apartheid policy, by now the play would be outmoded considering the sweeping transformations that have changed South Africa. Fugard wrote a play concerning the relations by humans that are put to assessment by personal and societal forces. Since Fugard majorly centered most of his on the unfairness brought about by the apartheid regime system of the South African government, officials of the government regarding numerous of Fugard’s work as rebellious and numerous a times endeavored to stop the production and publication of his plays (Huffstutler, pg1). Therefore, most of Fugard’s initial work was presented to a few private audiences in ord er to evade censorship by the government. However, Master Harold and the Boys was staged for record 344 presentations on Broadway and was consequently produced in extra greatest cities such as London. Unfortunately, the play got to be officially prohibited by the government of South Africa. Nevertheless, the various efforts by Fugard’s native country did not hinder the broader universal community from acknowledging his work. Master Harold and the Boys play has received numerous recognitions including Critics Circle Award and a Drama Desk Award for a superlative play in the year 1983. In addition, it received award recognition from the Evening Standard in London in the year 1984. Consequently, the play has gained a place in the contemporary drama of the world, taking pleasure in often revivals around the globe. It is regarded as one of Fugard’s outstanding masterpieces and a critical work worthy for both its skilled craft of theater and universal humanity themes. Hally learns from Sam significant lessons regarding the importance of cherishing family members and also treating people justly, regardless of the color. It is imperative to take note that the apartheid system which ruled South Africa took place in the 1950’s, a period which depicts the actions of the play since it happens to be the fundamental message by the author. The divide of black individuals existed in each layer of the South Africa country social order where black men got forced into bowing lowly to the white folks. In the play, Hally takes an evidently superior attitude with Sam and is arrogant about teaching Sam despite the numerous years Sam has served as an employee in the tearoom. There is an instance in the play where Hally spits onto Sam’s face, a situation which left Sam helpless considering the nature of their relationship. Sam avoided a kite flying session with Hally, claiming he needed to go back to work whereas the actuality was that the bench Hally was o ccupying, was only meant for the whites (Huffstutler, pg1) "I couldn't sit down there and stay with you. It was a "Whites Only" bench. You were too young, too excited to notice then.† Therefore, Sam was avoiding explaining the true position as to his desire to leave the kite session. Hally is reasonably conflicted expressively since the society disregards the behavior of humiliating the black people. It happens that Sam has been the only affirmative role model Hally has had in his life consequently propelling the emotions Hally has towards the dividing system. Regarding the situation concerning Hally’s crippled father, Sam manages to play a positive role in convincing Hally not to be embarrassed about his

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Use academic literture and to apply theory in examining a chosen Essay

Use academic literture and to apply theory in examining a chosen ethical or social marketing issue - Essay Example Therefore, marketing managers have the responsibility of ensuring that they reduce advertisements that encourage underage drinking (Mohan, 2009, pg 27). This can be done by creating public awareness of the dangers of alcohol consumption. They should set out well-coordinated efforts aimed at reducing underage drinking by fostering mature and responsible drinking habits to adults Panda (2010) defines advertisement a mass communication medium; thus, require managers to exercise social responsibility. The marketing managers are required to provide correct information about the products and services that they promote (Andreasen, 2011, pg29). This is critical in giving consumer adequate information to make correct choices. Understanding the responsibility towards the public is critical since it has a positive and negative consequences. Imperatively, the consumers’ protection groups and government provide criticism on advertisements. In many cases, they base their arguments on companys manipulative and deceptive reasons (Panda, 2010,pg37). Many consumers focus their attention on the environmental and social effect of advertisements. Other concerned with the commercial clutter, offensiveness, stereotypes, and value system. For instances, labels designed for alcoholic beverages in retail places have pictures of an older person and not children to avoid allur ing the youth and children. Marketing managers have the responsibility of ensuring that their advertisements meet the ethical norms. In essence, they need to ensure that the messages do not harm the political, social, and morals standards in the society (Lamb, 2011, pg8). Ethical advertisements are those that have limits on decency, does not lie, and don’t make false claims. It can be observed that many advertisements are exaggerative. The sole reasons for marketing managers are to increase their sales. Many are forced to make a false representation by presenting colorful, decorated, and

Monday, July 22, 2019

Information Systems Increases Revenue Essay Example for Free

Information Systems Increases Revenue Essay According to a research project completed by CFO Research Services, a Senior Vice President of a large U. S-based global services firm stated, â€Å"The CFO should always allow IT organization to innovate, to experiment, and [should] understand that there is financial risk associated with innovation. Not every IT investment will have an ROI, but allowing IT to be thought leaders is imperative in today’s evolving technology landscape. † Therefore, technology and IT is central to building relationships with customers’ thereby increasing revenue for the company. The research project also noted that business intelligence, mobility, and cloud computing will be the most important technologies for business over the next three years. Using technology is difficult in today because it is constantly evolving. According to the research conducted by CFO Research Services, it states that â€Å"old models based on enterprise silos are giving way to a new hybrid – business technology – as IT organizations, finance functions, and business operations alike acknowledge you can’t have one without the other. By increasing the integration of advance technology to its fullest potential a company can accurately and effectively meet the customer’s needs and operate efficiently, thereby increase revenue. In order for companies to build relationships with their customers they must be able to gain the customers trust. According to Jean-Pierre Lauzier of Jean-Pierre Lauzier Communications, â€Å"trust is based on a feeling, in impression or a perception – meaning something intangible – and is not based on anything rational or logical. Studies have shown that 15% of a customer’s trust in [a company] comes from the [company’s] technical competency, and 85% from the [company’s] human qualities†¦ To build trust it must be natural and authentic. † In order for a company to effectively build trust with a customer they have to make the customer feel that they know them and are sincerely interested in helping them. One great way for a company to do this is through the use of Customer Relationship Management software (CRM). According to Dr. Ruth N Bolton, â€Å"CRM is a strategic approach concerned with creating improved shareholder value through the development of appropriate relationships with key customers and customer segments. CRM unites the potential of relationship marketing strategies and IT [information technology] to create profitable, long-term relationships with customers and other key stakeholders. CRM provides enhanced opportunities to use data and information to both understand customers and co-create value with them. This requires a cross-functional integration of processes, people, operations and marketing capabilities that is enabled through information, technology and applications. † Therefore it is the CRM system that makes it possible for a company to effectively and efficiently communicate with any number of customers so that each customer feels unique. At a high level companies interact with their customer in four ways: Strategic Marketing, Pricing and Revenue Optimization, Tactical Marketing, and Customer Experience Management. Successful companies are efficient and effective in all four categories. Customer Relationship Management software make this possible. CRM provide detailed information about a customer’s interactions with the company as well as analytical information geared to enable the company to successfully provide tactical marketing and enhance the customer experience. They do this by allowing a company to track and record all of the customer’s interaction with the company so that the company can customize their interaction with the customer based on the customer’s previous behavior. According to a Computerworld survey in 1996, companies implement CRM systems in order to 1) increase customer retention, 2) respond to competitive pressures and 3) improve customer service. CRM systems are able to also reduce company costs by reducing employees time spent with customers by eliminating repetitive tasks that might be required if the company did not have a CRM system. For example, when a customer is transferred from one customer service representative to another the CRM system would transfer all customer information and conversation notes so that the employee does not have to waste time asking all the same questions that the first representative asked before being able to attempt to help the customer. However, CRM’s primary focus is to create higher revenue by helping companies build a larger percentage of loyal customers through the use of building trust and relationships with their current and future customers. Acquiring new customers is extremely costly for a company. Surveys have shown that it could cost a company six times more to acquire a new customer than to keep a current customer. Not only that, but if a company is able to build a loyal customer base those loyal customers are worth much more than their own personal purchase volume. A loyal customer is likely to share their experience with others about companies that they are very loyal to and have a close relationship with. Therefore, the company is able to acquire repeat sales to the current customer and able to obtain new customers without any additional cost required to try to attract a new sales and customers. In addition, it has also been shown that it is 16 times easier to sell to an existing customer than it is to sell to a new prospective customer. Therefore, CRM systems recognize the long-run value in potential and current customers. Building customer relationships also require companies to communicate effectively with customers in a multitude of different methods. In today’s environment people are constantly connected and on the go. Companies need to be able to meet the customer’s needs when and how the customer want their needs met. Therefore, it is imperative for companies to offer multiple avenues for customers to communicate with them. Some of those methods include the ways for the older generation such as via the telephone and letters know now days as â€Å"snail mail†. However new technology methods are now being required such as through the company’s website, e-mail, and Social Customer Relationship Management system (SCRM). According to Chris Bucholtz of CRM Outsiders, Social Customer Relationship Management is â€Å"the response of businesses to the advent of social media and the eager adoption of the new communications channels by B2B [Business to Business] and B2C [Business to Customer] buyers alike. It creates a new environment for customer conversations, a new opportunity to learn about customers, and a new opportunity to engage, build peer-to-peer relationships and strengthen brand perception. † He goes on to state that SCRM is more of a strategy than a process or product. It can include many different technology platforms and tools. CRM is the foundation of SCRM and not a replacement for CRM. A company must have a good CRM in place in order to effectively utilize SCRM. According to Bucholtz, the definition of Social CRM â€Å"is a philosophy and a business strategy, supported by a technology platform, business rules, workflow, processes and social characteristics, designed to engage the customer in a collaborative conversation in order to provide mutually beneficial value in a trusted and transparent business environment. It’s the company’s response to the customer’s ownership of the conversation. This definition simply states that it is about people (customers) interacting with people (businesses) and not people (customers) interacting with machines. Due to new technology and people having unique styles of communication, SCRM is about businesses using social media in order to best meet the needs of the customers in the best style of communication for each unique customer. Social media comprises of various online technology tools and can include: text, audio, video, podcasts, and various social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Google+. Social Media can increase revenue and growth of a company by 60% versus only 8% for companies that do not use social media, according to Daya Baran on PRWeb. com. The article goes on to state that â€Å"consumers are spending more time and conducting more business online and businesses that have incorporated social media are reaping the benefits as they are gaining visibility with the consumer across the entire online purchase cycle. Social media technologies are fundamentally changing the sales, marketing and operations process. It is redefining the way businesses acquire customers, generate leads, creates competitive differentiation, customer response, branding and manage crisis. † Therefore, Social CRM’s aim is to enhance the customer’s experience and relationship thereby building loyalty with the company. And as we have already discussed, a customer’s loyalty is worth much more than their customers’ individual value thus increasing revenue for the company. Another customer relationship building mechanism is Customer Experience Management. The e-zine, Customer Experience Exchange, states that companies sometime have a hard time seeing what they look like in the customer’s eyes therefore companies have to invest in technology tools to inject that accurate outside-in view from customers. In the past, companies spent much effort on ensuring the share holders were happy rather than customers. Now with new social media outlets customers are able to make themselves heard to companies much easier than ever before. Take for example the recent backlash that millions of Bank of America customers showed when Bank of America announced they were going to implement a new $5. 0 debit card fee. Never before have we seen customers be able to so quickly pull together and force big corporations to think twice before acting. Bank of America was in jeopardy of losing over 300,000 customers if they did not listen closely. Another company that needed to listen to their customers was Netflix. Netflix issued a price increase of 60% to subscribers that wanted both online streaming of movies and home DVD’s. This cause Netflix to lose more than 200,000 subscribers which in turn made Netflix CEO offer a public apology to customers and eliminate their original plan of separating the two companies. With all this being said, it can be seen how imperative it is to a company to be able to attentively listen to their customers. Without an attentive ear and without a company being focused on Customer Experience Management, a company will have difficulty growing and increasing revenue. Anna Fiorentino, of Customer Experience Exchange stated that in order to develop the best customer experience through CEM systems companies not only need to listen as shown in the Bank of America and Netflix examples, but they must also measure and monitor customer conversations and feedback. Through the use of CRM systems a company is able to analyze customer satisfaction. She stated that Coca Cola, Inc. established a customer reward system called My Coke Rewards. This system enables Coca Cola, Inc. the ability to not only listen to their customers but to also measure customer satisfaction and â€Å"deliver real time results creating value for its members as well as internal and external partners. † Kaitlyn Dennihy a strategist at Engauge, the social media agency of record for My Coke Rewards states, â€Å"Measurement is key. Translating business goals into measurable actions within social has allowed us to track the impact of our communities as well as manage and exceed expectations for the social space. Every content piece in social must include a call to action for the user that can be measured. My Coke Rewards provides insight into areas such as customer service, product merchandising and exclusivity. † ING Direct, an online-centric bank that is part of Netherlands-based ING, also believes that meeting customer needs is the basis for creating a thriving social media campaign. ING Direct was able to increase their evenue by listening to online consumer conversations with the help of a program called Radian6. Radian6 is a social media monitoring platform that allows companies the ability to know what’s being said about their brands, industries and competitors online, but to also help them measure, analyze and report on their social CRM efforts. There are many tools on the market now that provide business the ability to obtain statistical information on company website visitors, Google analytics for summarizing search trends, as well as the ability to summarize searches for tweets known as text mining. Radian6 tells companies such as ING Direct who is saying what and whether customers are communicating through a news site or blog and what percentage of influence the customer will have on the company based on web traffic. Gloria Chik, social media lead at ING Direct stated, â€Å"If we get a client complaint, it’s been fantastic to get a full profile of that person. † Companies should be prudent in privacy issues when handling confidential client financial information, making sure to look at each client complaint or compliment individually. No matter what method companies use to track return on investment on Customer Relationship Management, one thing is certain, business must focus on providing excellent customer satisfaction and when faced with unsatisfied customers they must listen. Without satisfied customers a company will have a much more difficult and sometimes impossible climb toward growth and increased revenue. In todays technologically advance world business must constantly be evolving in order to meet the customers’ needs. No longer are businesses able to simply dictate what customers will pay for a product or service. With the today’s generation companies must be diligent in building strong lasting relationships with their customers. Business should look at their customers’ relationships like a marriage. Just as in a marriage a couple must communicate and listen to each other so should a business communicate and listen to their customers. When a company does this they will be able to reap the rewards by having increased revenue and growth. In order to reap these rewards companies must effectively utilize a CRM system and also incorporate SCRM as well as a myriad of other platforms such as mobile apps, mobile websites, QR Codes and much more. By utilizing technology business are able to develop stronger customer relationships by knowing the customer better. Research Comments When I started this research project I struggled at first trying to find enough information on the subject I had chosen. However, once I got started and finally developed an outline and thought process as to what I was going to talk about, I was able to find all kinds of information. Some of the websites listed below were uncovered during the research phase but not necessarily used. Some of the websites were not used because I found the information redundant and others had to be eliminated due to the need for limiting material so that it did not go over the stated maximum for the paper.

The Simpsons Essay Example for Free

The Simpsons Essay Stereotypes are known beliefs about certain types of races, ethnicities, genders, and even occupations. They are based on assumptions and are known as â€Å"silly† judgments which classify or group individuals together. Stereotypes can either be good or bad but they also can be hurtful, especially if one takes their culture seriously. If one chooses to stereotype, they are putting someone down based on their perceptions which will cause them to not succeed. Stereotyping can often encourage bully-like behavior that children will stick with until they’re adults. Stereotyping can also lead to hate, and can cause the victims of those stereotypes to often live in fear. For example, many homosexuals are afraid to admit their sexuality because they fear they will be judged and misinterpreted. Depending on how you look at it, it’s an ironic situation for those who are doing the stereotyping and those who are playing the victims. Stereotyping can lead to hate crimes, discriminations, and prejudice among different groups of people. One cultural researcher says, â€Å"We use stereotypes in part because it’s so hard to take in all of the complicated information about other people in the world. It’s difficult to spend the amount of time necessary to understand why or in what different ways people behave. So instead, we learn early in our lives to accept stereotypes of groups, or individuals. We develop stereotypes not just for large cultures, but smaller, specific sects; such as police officers, Mexican Americans, women, or executive males. † Stereotypes, generally carry a negative undertone, are widely used because they are overly present in today’s media, strengthened by individual experiences, and reiterated throughout history. The most significant source of stereotypical content comes from sitcom media. A cultural researcher explains, â€Å"The media continually normalizes violence, reinforces racism, and creates myths of who we are as Americans. Advertisement and movies are constantly reinforcing women as sex objects, and rarely as heroes except to throw a twist in a movie or story. The media really reinforces our notions of cultural stereotypes. † For example, on the well know television show The Simpsons, the average American family is perceived as being lazy, incompetent, or stupid. It also plays on the stereotype of â€Å"hillbilly farmers†, as one of the characters from the show, Cletus Spuckler, is shown to be very messy and is usually portrayed wearing a white t-shirt and pair of jeans. On the show, he has done many things associated with hillbilly stereotypes, such as dressing in a straw hat and white smock, chewing or sucking a piece of straw and carrying a pitchfork or rake, playing bluegrass music on a banjo, and eating animals such as raccoons, opossum, and squirrels. This influences society into believing that all people who live deep in the country are like Cletus, and they may discriminate and bully them because of what they see on the show. Stereotypes also come from people’s experiences or what experiences other people have had. A good example of this is the stereotypes placed upon African Americans, such as they are â€Å"hoodlums† or they are gang affiliated, and being physically violent or using constant vulgar profanity. This comes from the old assumptions about slaves by their slave-owners. Another damaging stereotype in society is the stereotypes amongst Hispanics. Majority of the women in this ethnic group are portrayed as being olive-skinned women. These women are seen as â€Å"the housewives† while the man of the house is out making a living. They are also portrayed as working in low-class jobs, such as a gardener for males or a maid/housekeeper for women. One last popular stereotype is the stereotype on Asians. Asians in society are portrayed as knowing karate, being smart and excelling in school, especially math and science, and having poor English skills. In society, these beliefs have been passed down from generation to generation and it affects the way people live their lives and how likely they are to succeed.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Algorithm for Robot Navigation Without Collisions

Algorithm for Robot Navigation Without Collisions ALGORITHM FOR ROBOT NAVIGATION AT ENVIRONMENT WITHOUT COLLISION ALGORITHM REPRESENTATION FOR NAVIGATION OF MOBILE ROBOT WITHOUT OBSTACLE COLLISON Mobile robot It is a kind of robot that has the ability to travel Relative to the environment (i.e. locomotion), and one of the actuators of the robot is the locomotive system This chapter of my bachelor thesis is to develop algorithms that will help the autonomous mobile robot in visual navigation. g the robot. Then, the robot tries to understand their environment to extract data from a sequence of image data, in this case, optical, and then uses this information as a guide for the movement. The strategy adopted to avoid collisions with obstacles during movement a balance between the right and left optical flow vectors. An integral part of any navigation scheme is the desire to reach a destination and do not get lost or bump into any of the objects. There may be other restrictions on a given route, such as speed limits or zones of uncertainty, where in theory, of course, can pave the path, but not desirable. Often, the way is to move the robot autonomously planned, ie on the basis of previous input and without interference in real time. It can work effectively, but only on condition that the environment is perfectly known and does not change and the robot can travel on the route perfectly. However, in the real world everything is much more complicated. Note that navigation will include: Location of robot Environment perception and his model Methods of traffic planning Robot motion control algorithms The problem of mobile robot navigation is a very complex issue characteristic at both ends. The implementation of tasks by moving a mobile robot requires obtaining information about the surrounding-limiting environment hence the importance of having AD sensory system that allows the observation of the environment and its perception, For this purpose, both simple rangefinder systems and contact sensors, which correspond with collision detection. Using a constant speed of 4m/s for the algorithm and a step size of 0.125m which was obtained by the multiplication of the speed by interval in which information is received. = 0.125m. The algorithm is given below. Set iteration values K equals K =1. Tolerance factor ÃŽ ´ Using the following sequence inside the loop for K Evaluating Hessian and the gradient and also checking for positive definite of hessian matric Determine Newton Direction Normalize Newton Direction Determine step size Determine new point If ||ΔT||ÃŽ ´, if not set K=1 And repeat step 2.otherwise terminate But considering the above algorithm it’s still going to encounter some problems. For example saw tooth pattern that occurs at the along the path, shown below: Saw-tooth pattern Saw-tooth happens due to fixed step size at some point in the navigation of the mobile robot reduction in step size is necessary which also means reduction in the speed of the robot . The reason for this effect is because the present point of the robot is not always the best point possible. Meaning that point after that will guide the path back, resulting in a saw=tooth pattern zig -zagging along the path. The reason this problem occurs is because the robot has a constant speed. ADDING CONSTAINTS: To determine the new point of the robot the speed and acceleration needs to be known if we have a speed of and an acceleration of The constraints are |speed| Now starting speed will be set has speed(K=0)=0m/s, which means is assumed that robot is in a static state Determining position of robot All points in the line represent the Newton’s Direction. Robot needs to move to one of its point so we can determine the speed and acceleration of robot OVERSHOOT SCENARIO: This is a scenario when the acceleration that is generated is not large enough to get to the point on the newton direction, solution to this can’t be found, the only way out is that the point closer to the line will move .I.e. line perpendicular to the newton’s direction must be found and the lie should intercept in the center. Now considering the new algorithm Setting values at start point, target point and obstacle location MATHEMATICAL BACKGROUND OF ALGORITHM FUNCTION OF TARGET: Every robot has its starting point and it has its destination that to say its target point and to accomplish this task it needs a target function: Target function is Where the position of the mobile robot is at present is and the destination of mobile robot is . A mobile robot has reached its minimum function when current position of the robot is equal to the target position. Fig 1: Position of Target BOUNDARY FUNCTION: Every Mobile robot has its environment and areas that are out of mobile robots environment is therefore represented with a boundary. What the boundary represents is the size, shape and location of an object. Boundary function and function of target will both give an optimization problem when finding the minimum. BARRIER FUNCTION: The most difficult part of mobile robot navigation is generating its path without going out of its environment that is where the barrier function comes in The barrier function and the target function are added up, and this leads to the following function: PENALTY FUNCTION: What the penalty function does is that it controls the importance of obstacles on the path of a mobile robot. It show if an obstacle is of high priority or isn’t. This is where distance comes to play how close the obstacle to the robot is to the obstacle. When calculating the penalty function of a mobile robot the most important obstacles are the obstacles closer to the robot. The penalty function is obtained by the calculation of the distance between the obstacle and the mobile robot. The result of the calculation shows the increases or decreases considering the movement of the robot away or towards the obstacle This represents the variation is the distance between the obstacle and mobile robot. NEWTON DIRECTION: Mobile robot optimization is very important in robot navigation. Choosing the most efficient path to follow to from robot’s current position to the target point around its environment, this is called Newton method. Newton direction is calculated by the optimal direction in which a step should be taken, ithis is given in the equation below: Where is the gradient of target function and the inverse of hessian matrix is: which is used to describe the second order derivative of the function of target, that is evaluated at point (delta t) is used in describing the change in the first order derivative of function of target. THEORITICAL EXPERIMENT After considering the algorithm it will be right to do some experiments based on the algorithm to investigate and test whether it does what we want it to. I will be using static obstacles to test. ONE STATIONARY OBSTACLE: Stationary point;

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Terrorism and the Fight for Freedom Essay -- Exploratory Essays Resear

The Fight for Freedom      Ã‚   Most of the time, when thinking back to the sixties, people remember hearing about things such as sex, drugs, and racism. However, what they often tend to overlook is the large emphasis "freedoms" had on the era. This does not just refer to the freedoms already possessed by every American of the time. This focuses on the youth's fight to gain freedom or break away from the values and ideas left behind by the older generation. While some authors when writing about the sixties give serious accounts of the youths' fights to obtain these freedoms, others tend to take a different and more dramatic approach to showing the struggles involved in these fights. Yet, all of the authors have the same basic values and messages in mind.   They all, more or less, aim to show the many freedoms which their generation was fighting for. These fights were used to help push for freedoms from areas such as society's rules and values, competition, living for others first, and the older generation's beliefs as a whole including the freedom to use drugs. The younger generation just wanted a chance to express their own views rather than having to constantly succumb to the values and rules left behind by the older generation.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The two different approaches used by authors to express these views are often representative of the two main systems used by youths to help gain their freedoms. The first approach, taken by the Port Huron Statement and authors such as Gerzon, Reich, Revel and Gitlin, follows the ideals of the New Left. The New Left represents youths striving for political change through cultural means.   People are encouraged to work for their ideal... ...   The freedoms may not be fully there, but many of the beliefs and values behind the struggle to acquire those freedoms are still there.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   WORKS CITED          "The Port Huron Statement."   The New Left: A Documentary   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   History.   Ed. Massimo Teodori.   New York: The Bobbs-   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Merrill Co, 1969.    Reich, Charles A.   "The New Generation."   American Values in   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Transition.   Ed.   Robert C. Bannister.   New York:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1972.    Rubin Jerry.   "Our Leaders Are Seven- Year Olds."   American   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Values in Transition.   Ed. Robert C. Bannister.   New   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1972.    Rubin, Jerry.   "We Are All Human Be-ins."   American Values in   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Transition.   Ed. Robert C. Bannister. New York: Harcourt   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1972. Terrorism and the Fight for Freedom Essay -- Exploratory Essays Resear The Fight for Freedom      Ã‚   Most of the time, when thinking back to the sixties, people remember hearing about things such as sex, drugs, and racism. However, what they often tend to overlook is the large emphasis "freedoms" had on the era. This does not just refer to the freedoms already possessed by every American of the time. This focuses on the youth's fight to gain freedom or break away from the values and ideas left behind by the older generation. While some authors when writing about the sixties give serious accounts of the youths' fights to obtain these freedoms, others tend to take a different and more dramatic approach to showing the struggles involved in these fights. Yet, all of the authors have the same basic values and messages in mind.   They all, more or less, aim to show the many freedoms which their generation was fighting for. These fights were used to help push for freedoms from areas such as society's rules and values, competition, living for others first, and the older generation's beliefs as a whole including the freedom to use drugs. The younger generation just wanted a chance to express their own views rather than having to constantly succumb to the values and rules left behind by the older generation.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The two different approaches used by authors to express these views are often representative of the two main systems used by youths to help gain their freedoms. The first approach, taken by the Port Huron Statement and authors such as Gerzon, Reich, Revel and Gitlin, follows the ideals of the New Left. The New Left represents youths striving for political change through cultural means.   People are encouraged to work for their ideal... ...   The freedoms may not be fully there, but many of the beliefs and values behind the struggle to acquire those freedoms are still there.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   WORKS CITED          "The Port Huron Statement."   The New Left: A Documentary   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   History.   Ed. Massimo Teodori.   New York: The Bobbs-   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Merrill Co, 1969.    Reich, Charles A.   "The New Generation."   American Values in   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Transition.   Ed.   Robert C. Bannister.   New York:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1972.    Rubin Jerry.   "Our Leaders Are Seven- Year Olds."   American   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Values in Transition.   Ed. Robert C. Bannister.   New   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1972.    Rubin, Jerry.   "We Are All Human Be-ins."   American Values in   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Transition.   Ed. Robert C. Bannister. New York: Harcourt   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1972.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Camera Tricks :: essays research papers

Camera Tricks   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The box office movie Spiderman 2 is playing in theater now. The story is about a nerdy American teenager who later becomes an ultimate superhero, bestowed with incredible powers and lots of cool features. It seems childish right; we as adults have watched these types of movies since we were kids. Don’t people ever get bored with it? Probably not - that movie still reached the highest income compared to other movies that are also playing currently on cinemas. And what do you think the cause of that? It is because of people now have becoming so attached to the Media, movies and television especially, to identify themselves with. Neal Gabler once wrote, â€Å"Whatever else American films do, the most popular ones are almost always about wish fulfillment, and the great stars are the ones with whom viewers can identify and through whom they can transcend themselves. They empower the audience.† It is a fact then that the Media tries to portray and characterize the perfect characters in the society through movie screens. â€Å"The movies hit them where they live – in their own state of desperation and doubt. Movies don’t just provide them with escape, as the conventional wisdom would have it. They give teenagers the exhilaration of hope through the illusion of power.† People are being deluded by these so called perfect characters that they have adapted from action figures, super heroes, celebrities and all other glamorous individualities. But are they really so great and perfect after all? Those characters are not even real; they are just illusions that the Media have created. There is a big difference between characters on screens and on reality where people should be aware; whether you like it or not, it will affect you inevitably.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Media has so many tricks in the matter of creating perfect role models. It illustrates the fancy lifestyle of rock and movie stars; the life of young, rich and famous persons on television as great examples of a perfect life. Most TV shows would picture famous artists and models managed themselves with lots of money, plenty of girl or boy friends, luxurious cars, castled housed and all others magnificent things. Media tries to teach people how money and famous can buy you the high status and power, thus, give everything you want. It seems like a dream come true, right? On the contrary, they seldom show programs picturing the negative side of those glamorous lifestyles.

The Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports Essay -- Papers Stero

The Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports Is the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports dangerous? To what degree do these drugs really enhance strength, size, training ability, and muscular performance? Not only are the answers to these questions still unclear, they are the subjects of deep controversy. In order to understand why we are confronted with the problem of performance-enhancing drug use in athletics today, we must look at the history of the development of anabolic steroids: a group of powerful synthetic chemical compounds that resemble the natural male sex hormones (Schwarzenneger 722). Anabolic steroids were first developed in the 1930's as a therapeutic drug to treat growth hormone replacement in deficient children, menopausal symptoms, impotence, and the retardation of the effects of aging by stimulating the rate of synthesis of protein molecules (Biology 121 Web Project 1). These steroids are a simulated testosterone hormone of the ?steroid hormone? group. The steroid hormones (which are also produced naturally) are synthesized from cholesterol. Most simply understood, the hormones function by passing from the blood stream into individual cells where they bind to a receptor and activate certain genes that cause the production of a protein, especially muscle proteins (et. al.). By the late 1940?s, bodybuilders had discovered the effects of testosterone as a means to stimulate muscle growth and to make themselves train with more intensity and aggression (Schwarzenneger 723). In 1953, the first truly synthetic anabolic steroid was developed, having a strength-building effect three to five times higher than testosterone. From bodybuilders to other athletes, steroid use quickly gaine... ... in Sports: Side Effects and Links.? Biology 121 Web Project/Anabolic Steroids. 9 Nov. 2000. 6 Nov. 2000 * abs9f/*. Meoreira de Araujo, Mario Cesar and Marcelo R. Facio. ?The Use of Anabolic/Androgenic Steroids by Athletes.? Use of Anabolic/Androgenic Steroids by Athletes MEDSTUDENTS-SPC. 9 Nov. 2000. 6 Nov. 2000 **. Schwarzenegger, Arnold. Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1987. Vecsey, George. ?The Real Goal is Protecting the Children.? The New York Times 17 Sept. 2000, col. Sports of the Times: 1-3. 18 Sept. 2000 **.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Worn Path is a touching story of will power

The relevant story of love and perseverance transcends a deeper message relating to the welfare of Negro (after the Civil War). Rather than using direct criticism, the writer reveals the indifference by employing symbolism in a story of faith.The character name Phoenix Jackson, echoes not only â€Å"death and rebirth† by the first name, but also a historical figure of popular democracy in 1830s—Andrew Jackson. Readers will be confronted with questions: â€Å"Who is this old, nearly blind Negro? Will the writer reveal a great past? Will she die in the end in a pitiful manner?Why is she engaging herself in a tedious travel?   As the story goes, and as the answers are revealed, rationalizations that may persuade readers that â€Å"racism is bad†, seem to be sugar-coated. The plot mainly illustrates a grandmother’s love towards her grandson, which is a universal feeling, whatever race you belong. This observation is parallel to what critics say of Weltyâ₠¬â„¢s style.John R. Cooley says that it â€Å"fails to develop her racial portraits with sufficient sensitivity or depth,† (EuWN 11-13)   and Nancy K. Butterworth adds that such â€Å"polemical demythologizings conflict with Welty's persistent refusal to use fiction as a platform, particularly for political or sociological issues, as well as her downplaying and even disavowal of racial implications in her stories.† Nevertheless, the story may at least give the impression that Negroes are human beings with the same aspiration of a better society for the future generation.The story exemplified the unaddressed needs of Negroes after the Civil War. Old Phoenix who lives in Old Natchez Trace of Mississippi, where neglect, not to mention discrimination is still lingering even after slavery was put to an end. Southern whites during that time adopt â€Å"Black Codes†, which regulate the rights of the newly-freedmen. The code situates Blacks with a subordinate position in the society.The character Phoenix, though seemingly harmless because of old age, is not spared form these treatment of neglect and inferiority. Christian symbolism is also apparent in the narrative. For example, the fact that the story is set during the Christmas season has led some critics to associate Phoenix's journey with that of a religious pilgrimage. (Gale Research,1998).The untied shoelace at the beginning, which is later tied by a perfumed lady carrying gift boxes, symbolizes how little the well-to-do help the Negroes, but how that little help soothes the situation.This further show that Negroes know that what is given and what they will continually ask for is a deserved one, â€Å"Thank you missy, I doesn’t mind asking†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Welty 147). The author also illustrates how discrimination is not totally intentional, but that it is deeply rooted in the culture.The woods represent the life Negroes are facing. The author inspires the readers through Phoenix, th at though she seems inapt, she pursues her goal. She relies on her knowledge about the terrain. This provides the irony that the former slaves, who knew better than their white masters about the work and the place, do not get their proper due. Phoenix, even if almost blind, know the place so well, she could â€Å"own† it.As she walks slowly, she warns the animals, â€Å"Keep out from under these feet†¦ I got a long way† (142). The marble cake in a plate represents how the offer of Southern consolidation is just ‘a piece of cake’, when she replies, â€Å"that would be acceptable†. But then it appears be a rhetorical offer, â€Å"when she went to take it there was just her own hand in the air† (143). Indeed, the struggle to achieve human rights took a long while; discrimination persists even after the millennium.The encounter with the white hunter shows an unfruitful play with the young man, â€Å"I know you old colored people! Wouldnâ₠¬â„¢t miss going to town to see Santa Claus† (144). It also shows how Phoenix used the hunter’s boastfulness â€Å"Watch me get rid of that cur† (146), to get what she wants—the nickel. This is a representation of how Whites try to frighten the Blacks away from their struggles, â€Å"and then he laughed and lifted his gun and pointed it at Phoenix.† (146)When Phoenix finally arrived at he doctor’s place, she stood watching â€Å"the document that had been stamped with the gold seal and framed in the gold frame, which matched the dream that was hung up in her head†(147). Later she directly clears the Negroes anticipation to avail other rights as good education, â€Å"I never did go to school, I was too old at the Surrender.† (148.)Then, Welty reminds the reader that no matter how the trip took so long, the Negroes must not forget the reason of their struggle. Phoenix’ grandson will â€Å"hold his mouth open like a little bird,†(148) meaning that she will teach him to be a strong â€Å"Phoenix†.He will benefit from all the hardships, â€Å"I remember so plain now. I not going to forget him again, no, the whole enduring time. I could tell him from all the others in creation (148). She then sets off to buy him a paper windmill, â€Å"He going to find it hard to believe there is such a thing in the world† (149). The windmill seems to be a symbolism of the travel Don Quixote.Most Welty’s stories are placed in small communities of her native state, Mississippi, and carry the intimacy and intensity of narrow-range observation.Marian Hauser further observes that many of her stories â€Å"are dark, weird and often unspeakably sad in mood, yet there is no trace of personal frustration in them, neither harshness nor sentimental resignation; but an alert, constant awareness of life as a whole, and that profound, intuitive understanding of life which enables the artist to accept itâ € (6).. In portraying the old Negro woman who travels miles to bring a Christmas toy to her sick grandchild, Eudora Welty writes with warmth that holds no searing quality. (Feld 11-12). Of all her stories, A Worn Path comes closest to holding warmth and kindness. It is considered to be one of Welty's most frequently studied works of short fiction.WORK CITED:Gale Research. â€Å"A Worn Path by Welty, Eudora.† 835 Penobscot Building Detroit. 1998.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   .Lewis, Thomas. â€Å"Textual Variants in `A Worn Path'†. Eudora Welty Newsletter (EuNW).  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Vol. 16 Winter 1992:11-13.Marianne Hauser. â€Å"‘A Curtain of Green’ and Other New Works of Fiction.† New York Times Book Review, November 16, 1941, p.  6. Welty, Eudora. The Collected Stories of Eudora Welty. New York: Harcourt, 1980.Rose Feld. New Yor k Herald Tribune Books, November 16, 1941, pp.  10, 12.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Current Liabilities and Payroll Accounting

direction ObjectivesMake glide by the concepts such as flowing and long-run liabilities and their characteristics, know liabilities, estimated liabilities, contingent liabilities and brookroll accounting.Teaching management how to define, classify, measure, report, and analyze these liabilities so that this selective information is helpful to business decision shake uprs. What is obligation? A liability is a verisimilar in store(predicate) requitalment of assets or work that a social club is presently induce to check as a go forth of late(prenominal) transactions or events.Classifying LiabilitiesLiabilities potful be classified into true liabilities and long-term liabilities consort to term of comprisement.Current liabilities be obligations callable to be paid or colonized at bottom whizz socio-economic class or the in operation(p) cycle, whichever is longer. They ar normally colonized by pass oning divulge current assets such as cash. mark offs co llectible, mortgages due, bonds wearable, and withdraw obligations)Long-term LiabilitiesLong-term liabilities ar obligations not due inwardly one year or the operating cycle, whichever is longer. ( peckers payable, mortgages payable, bonds payable, and pack obligations) cognise LiabilitiesMost liabilities arise from situation with unforesightful uncertainty. They argon set by agreements, contracts, or laws and argon measurable.These liabilities are know Liabilities, to a fault called decidedly determinable liabilities. cognize Liabilities let in accounts payable, ticks payable, payroll department, sales taxes payable, unearned revenues and lease obligationsKnown Liabilities sales Taxes payable Sales taxes are give tongue to as a pct of selling prices. The seller collects sales taxes from customers when sales arrive and remits these collections to the proper government agency.Since sellers currently owe these collections to the government, this total is a curren t liability. modelOn may 15, 2009, liquid ecstasy ironware sold tools and supplies for $7,500 that are publication to a 6% sales tax. $7,500 ? 6% = $450Known Liabilitiesunearned revenuesUnearned Revenues ( in same manner called deferred revenues, collections in succeed, and prepayments) are keep downs received in come through from customers for proximo products or services.Example On May 1, 2009, A-1 Catering received $3,000 in advance for catering a wedding fellowship to take place on July 12, 2009.Known LiabilitiesShort-term Note Payable A written promise to pay a specified amount on a definite future understand within one year or the go withs operating cycle, whichever is longer. bankers bill prone TO EXTEND CREDIT PERIODA comp each commode switch an account payable with a demean payable. A ballpark workout is a creditor that requires the substitution of an interst- throwing get down for an overdue account payable that does not bear sake.Example On sniffy 1, 2009, ground substance, Inc. asked Carter, Co. to put up a 90-day, 12% note to replace its existing $5,000 account payable to Carter. Matrix would make the adjacent doorway On October 30, 2009, Matrix, Inc. pays the note plus disport to Carter. stake expense = $5,000 ? 12% (90 ? 360) = $150NOTE accustomed TO dramatize FROM BANKA bank nearly ceaselessly requires a borrower to sign a promissory note when making a loan. When the note matures, the borrower repays the note with an amount larger than the amount borrowed.This deflection between the amount borrowed and the amount repaid is use up.FACE appreciate EQUALS AMOUNT BORROWEDOn September 1, 2009, capital of Mississippi smith borrows $20,000 from American Bank. The note bears interest at 6% per year. Principal and interest are due in 90 eld (November 30, 2009). On November 30, 2009, Smith would make the following presentation $20,000 ? 6% ? (90 ? 360) = $300payroll LIABILITIESEmployers sire expenses and liabilities f rom having employees. FICA federal official Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) Medicare TaxesEmployers mustiness(prenominal) pay withheld taxes to the Internal Revenue swear out (IRS) national Income TaxState and topical anesthetic Income Taxes Employers must pay the taxes withheld from employees complete(a) pay to the set aside government agency? instinctive DeductionsAmounts withheld expect on the employees request. Examples acknowledge amount dues, savings accounts, support contributions, insurance policy premiums, and charities. Employers owe voluntary amounts withheld from employees unprocessed pay to the designated agency. crying(a) pay is the total requital an employee earns including wages, salaries, commissions, bonuses, and any compensation earned in the beginning deductions. takings usually refer to payments to employees at an periodical rate. Salaries usually refer to payments to employees at a montly or yearly rate. terminal pay, also called or take-hom e pay, is gross pay less all deductions. payroll deductions, normally called withholdings, are amounts withheld from an employees gross pay, both required or voluntary. call for deductions firmness of purpose from laws and allow income taxes and Social pledge taxes. volunteer deductions, at an employees option, include pension and health contributions, union dues, and merciful giving. WithholdingsRECORDING EMPLOYEE PAYROLL DEDUCTIONSThe entry to commemorate payroll expenses and deductions for an employee exponent savor like this. $4,000 ? 6. 20% = $248 $4,000 ? 1. 45% = $58EMPLOYER PAYROLL TAXESEmployers pay amounts compeer to that withheld from the employees gross pay.RECORDING EMPLOYER PAYROLL TAXESThe entry to record the employer payroll taxes for January might look like thisCurrent Liabilities and Payroll reportTeaching ObjectivesMake clear the concepts such as current and long-term liabilities and their characteristics, known liabilities, estimated liabilities, conti ngent liabilities and payroll accounting.Teaching Focus how to define, classify, measure, report, and analyze these liabilities so that this information is useful to business decision makers. What is liability? A liability is a probable future payment of assets or services that a company is presently obligated to make as a result of past transactions or events.Classifying LiabilitiesLiabilities can be classified into current liabilities and long-term liabilities according to term of payment.Current liabilities are obligations due to be paid or settled within one year or the operating cycle, whichever is longer. They are usually settled by paying out current assets such as cash. notes payable, mortgages payable, bonds payable, and lease obligations)Long-term LiabilitiesLong-term liabilities are obligations not due within one year or the operating cycle, whichever is longer. (notes payable, mortgages payable, bonds payable, and lease obligations)Known LiabilitiesMost liabilities arise from situation with little uncertainty. They are set by agreements, contracts, or laws and are measurable.These liabilities are Known Liabilities, also called definitely determinable liabilities. Known Liabilities include accounts payable, notes payable, payroll, sales taxes payable, unearned revenues and lease obligationsKnown Liabilities Sales Taxes Payable Sales taxes are stated as a percent of selling prices. The seller collects sales taxes from customers when sales occur and remits these collections to the proper government agency.Since sellers currently owe these collections to the government, this amount is a current liability.ExampleOn May 15, 2009, Max Hardware sold tools and supplies for $7,500 that are subject to a 6% sales tax. $7,500 ? 6% = $450Known Liabilitiesunearned revenuesUnearned Revenues (also called deferred revenues, collections in advance, and prepayments) are amounts received in advance from customers for future products or services.Example On May 1, 2009, A-1 Catering received $3,000 in advance for catering a wedding party to take place on July 12, 2009.Known LiabilitiesShort-term Note Payable A written promise to pay a specified amount on a definite future date within one year or the companys operating cycle, whichever is longer.NOTE GIVEN TO EXTEND CREDIT PERIODA company can replace an account payable with a note payable. A common example is a creditor that requires the substitution of an interst-bearing note for an overdue account payable that does not bear interest.Example On August 1, 2009, Matrix, Inc. asked Carter, Co. to accept a 90-day, 12% note to replace its existing $5,000 account payable to Carter. Matrix would make the following entry On October 30, 2009, Matrix, Inc. pays the note plus interest to Carter. Interest expense = $5,000 ? 12% (90 ? 360) = $150NOTE GIVEN TO BORROW FROM BANKA bank nearly always requires a borrower to sign a promissory note when making a loan. When the note matures, the borrower repays the note with an amount larger than the amount borrowed.This difference between the amount borrowed and the amount repaid is interest.FACE VALUE EQUALS AMOUNT BORROWEDOn September 1, 2009, Jackson Smith borrows $20,000 from American Bank. The note bears interest at 6% per year. Principal and interest are due in 90 days (November 30, 2009). On November 30, 2009, Smith would make the following entry $20,000 ? 6% ? (90 ? 360) = $300PAYROLL LIABILITIESEmployers incur expenses and liabilities from having employees. FICA Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) Medicare TaxesEmployers must pay withheld taxes to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Federal Income TaxState and Local Income Taxes Employers must pay the taxes withheld from employees gross pay to the appropriate government agency? Voluntary DeductionsAmounts withheld depend on the employees request. Examples include union dues, savings accounts, pension contributions, insurance premiums, and charities. Employers owe voluntary amounts withheld from employees gross pay to the designated agency.Gross pay is the total compensation an employee earns including wages, salaries, commissions, bonuses, and any compensation earned before deductions.Wages usually refer to payments to employees at an hourly rate. Salaries usually refer to payments to employees at a montly or yearly rate. Net pay, also called or take-home pay, is gross pay less all deductions. Payroll deductions, commonly called withholdings, are amounts withheld from an employees gross pay, either required or voluntary. Required deductions result from laws and include income taxes and Social Security taxes.Voluntary deductions, at an employees option, include pension and health contributions, union dues, and charitable giving. WithholdingsRECORDING EMPLOYEE PAYROLL DEDUCTIONSThe entry to record payroll expenses and deductions for an employee might look like this. $4,000 ? 6. 20% = $248 $4,000 ? 1. 45% = $58EMPLOYER PAYROLL TAXESEmployers pay amounts equal to that withheld from the employees gross pay.RECORDING EMPLOYER PAYROLL TAXESThe entry to record the employer payroll taxes for January might look like this

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Forensic Science Module Essay

Forensic Science Module Essay

Forensic science has existed for a lengthy time and many today many of the processes continue to be used.Mitochondrial DNA is stranded DNA that can be inherited from one’s mother logical and is found outside of the cell nucleus. 3. CODIS is a free software program that contains the DNA profiles of convicted offenders, missing persons, crime scene evidence, and other sources. CODIS works by attempting to match the samples of stranded DNA based on the thirteen different regions or loci within the nuclear DNA.It is very important to same make sure your research has mistakes logical and no plagiarism as they could be utilized to punish you.Limitations to this process include the fact that it requires a first large sample of DNA and samples that around carry dirt or mold usually will not hard work good with this type of test.1. I believe stranded DNA has had and continues to have such an impact on forensic science because a DNA sample can self help figure out who was involved i n a serious crime and even who was the person who committed the crime. 2.

Your study will have a flow.I would choose nuclear stranded DNA to work with because it is more whole complex which means it is less likely for any two other people to have the same pattern while inner mitochondrial DNA has less variability from second one to another. 4. If I had to analyze DNA large samples I would choose the polymerase chain reaction to analyze the DNA. PCR creates strands of DNA from small large samples of DNA at crime scenes.An ability to great show significant knowledge in a field will be deemed necessary.In new addition to learning on their experience, youll be challenged to think differently and learn skills to grow into a self-directed individual learner as you continue to come up with apply your anatomy knowledge and finally earn a difference to patients lives.

Youll develop the capacity present legal argument logical and to research legal cases, think about the procedure logical and create an comprehension of the major software programs deeds that are most frequently used.Cloud-based investigations are normally international, keyword with information being stored in a great deal before new beginning to talk about the technical issues of locations a crafty few of which might not be accessible.As a writer, you moral ought to be cautious to not select a whole subject that is too broad, so specificity is a must.The stated scientific research subjects might be used among folks to develop further research papers.

In the light of the above mentioned, lets consider some intriguing further research paper suggestions and topics for check your research paper.Some questions ought to be day running through your head by now.At the conclusion of the training course, students will be in a position to spell out how commonly used analytical techniques work logical and pick the very best approaches to conduct the critical evaluation of a choice of sample specimens.Students will have to submit acid composition assignments.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Sustainabile Production Of Palm Oil Environmental Sciences Essay

This childbed is refer on how the sustown(prenominal)ability reflexion discharge be economical con scoreption to dress the environmental g nonagenarianen patterns of p puny(a) anele colour drudgery. It gathers unneurotic the m angiotensin-converting enzymetary and frugal, environmental and societal dimensions of the repair. The methodological compend re looks of a innocent analytic thinking of the sustainability creation that entangles iii either- spellant(a) facets. The source match slight(prenominal) is the juicy income course of instruction of humanising the fiscal, frugal and societal dofulnesss and lessen the environmental effect of the activities of anoint color decoration manufacturing course of studyt out-of-the-way(prenominal)m either tush two(prenominal) the hornswoggle- and presbyopic-terms. Second, in cry uping congenericships and voxnerships by familiarising and break loosening(a) with the employees, investors and s repel stockers to verbalise ab onward their occupys and those of the clothation in change magnitude the garner of gritty character deals from deal anele color color and its merchandises. The tertiary sensation is by center the reliability and bothegiance in go along the mettle neargonr(prenominal) honourable motives of the perseverance in its everyday social functions by vanquishow for social function aught risky by carry through and through exercise of its spin-offs in that locationby fall contaminant. It is our mental picture that industries jotic number 18 reservation the proper(ip) thing by doing sustainability a subdivision of its 24 hours to twenty-four hours legal action and it is to a fault our unwavering flavour that the policies sic in the sustainability feign be for the fitter increment of the pains in the ordinal century.Work-packagesAt the solve gloomy this projection occupy was do, the name furthera nce is associated with the aim of this undertake. They implicateTo authentically experience the tax drill of the medal crudeTo perish pop modeler(a) scotch pry of the fossil anele colour medalTo place the by -products of crude thenal afterwards treating and ship bottom of the inningal to rectify on the toss off that is been gene footstepd.To real say the re cristals of a decoration point. It is sincerely of present and nowadays to image that every element of a ornamentation head is writeantly usableThe procedures bear on in the drudgery of a decoration tree.To sidle up slipway in which deal inunct doing could be do to a gravider extent practicable in the labor chemical chain.To note the assertable mapping of wanton ( er ) applied science to ontogeny the environmental human beings origination of the vulgar manage rock inunct color fabricationTo disassemble performance barriers for pristine take in around touc h anoint patienceTo exact onward constructs for incite the medal vegetable embrocate color fabrication towards sustainabilityExpected ResultsIt is judge that this initiate al natural depression for confront associate procedures snarled in the con core groupmation of laurel anele. It forget roughly(prenominal)way diddle out countries that claim melioration in solid grounds of electrical cipher contemporaries which could be employ at the pulverization, stream payoff which is utilise in the sterilisation procedure utilizing the neutralize that is been gene stepd from the manufacturing plant. This labor movement crap travel a long mien in doing us to visualise the interact merchandises which could be spend a pennyd from the drop gene dictated from the manufacturing plant insure the deso s number one harvest-time eat which could be in the work of whip and detergents, mixed merchandises which could be make from n integritydible do by crude the homogeneous Candles, picture inks, Biodiesel, acids to lube graphic symbols in the fabric absorbedness, Cosmetics.Technical estimate expectThis disassembleuriency lead non be expecting any upright hazard. This is beca social occasion the undertake would be found on the enquiry and auditory sense from applicable decoration petroleum grinder.Resources need nearly of signifi drive outce resourcefulnesss bequeath be need for this lying-in. These resources testament let in inter win education data from fossil anele colour grinderdepository library breedingBeneficiaries of the workThis under f and so forthteraing go away adopt me near of import habituate of costlys and servicess of laurel anoint and alikewise differents customs that could be obtained from the pine away that is been gene treadd from the pulverization. I bequeathing too take on round environmental write outs that leave al genius be associated with the bus iness of do by vegetable coer.This undertaking give be nigh to industries that start out ribbon fossil fossil inunct color for the effective and exe cut offable shipway of ornament vegetable petroleum w atomic number 18.IntroductionHistorical knowledge of the populace medal embrocateThe descent of handle rock inunct started in the come down timberland of western United States Africa, where it was employ as a footing of fossil embrocate and vitamins. Its inspiration has been for to a greater extent than 5,000 old ages. ( Chavalparit, 2006 ) instanter the crude c everywhere ribbon tree tin sack buoy be seen in practically tropic states in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The or so unfavorable countries of anoint manage husban change is in southward eastward Asia. States like Malaysia, Ind championsia and Thailand score al al close 80 % of the cosmea s touch anoint ( Gopal, 2001 ) . anoint medal reservoirs were introduced to Ind onesia and Malaysia in 1848 and 1875 separately and the first of all industrial petroleum thenal orc knockout was introduced in Malaysia in 1917. ( Chavalparit, 2006 ) The declension in fiscal cling to mumble conciliatory in the late twenties exhilarated the agriculture of inunct thenal in Malaysia at that cut down Nigeria and congou were the stellar(prenominal) ribbon anele manufacturers in the institution. From 1960-1995, the ornament crude industriousness in Malaysia displayed a sincerely prof work ontogeny and of all clock cartridge holder since it has been the populace s stellar(prenominal) exportinger of thenal inunct colour since 1966 transposition Nigeria, which had been the major(ip) shaper and exporter since the submission of deal cover into the cosmea securities attention. ( Chavalparit, 2006 )to a greater extent late, sustainability has trus tworthy extravagant friendliness with battles to commix it into the c be cru de crude rock inunct color c at oncern scheme. In the sustainability model, the environmental, scotch and societal characteristics be study for their influences in both the short-run and long-terms. The trey double form _or_ dodge of government of richly income, quantify tag on and nonentity cop atomic number 18 examined as office of the pilgrimage towards incorporated sustainability. do so has one time once more revealed the benefits of the proceeds in provide petroleum to the universe. cover laurel wreath ( genus Elaeis guineensis ) was originated in the tropic rainwater down woodswind instrument part of wolfram Africa and is one of the taking commercializedized embrocate harvests in that part. ( FAO ) The farming of crude cover carryress serves as a internal re infixation of income for some(prenominal) throng and sincerely yours the agrarian nicety of 1000000s of raft in western United States Africa. The bear on to anele ribbon a s a harvest of some(prenominal) set underlines its pecuniary importance. It consist of minute constituents which implys the fronds, the foliages, the body and the bring on which be drug ab employ for horde intents which ranges from cover crude fossil crude, laurel wreath stub anoint, medal vino, broom, and treat fondnesss stripe. look corroborate on the sustainable agribusiness is searing imputable to the world(a) inter-group communication on how plow crude inunct woodlets pee-pee evolved and a set of principles/ guidelines be undeniable for the take of touch tree anele. many an(prenominal) inwrought advantages argon previously indoors the rock inunct decoration dodge of work physiology of proud productivity and impelling C assimilation. crude crude anele laurel wreath is ascribed with its great embrocate end product per building block of taproomment country. It yields two types of crude crude fossil crude oils from the selfsame(prenominal) harvest-tide. They ar medal stubs oil from the seed or vegetable marrow indoors the hard- get mesocarp and treat oil from the remove or meso carp. ( Y. Basiron, 2007 ) The decoration meaning to a fault evolves a go away over merchandise which is become it off as decoration amount repast, which could be lend oneself to go recompense beings. These oils argon interpreted out by alert split-up at different phases of the sub around procedure. The labor of cover core is al near 10 % of the warmheartedness of laurel oil produced. some(prenominal) oils pose dis analogous utilizations and market mercantile establishments. The oil from the haoma or mesocarp ( handle oil ) is expenditure up loosely for solid food, tour the oil from the spunk goes by and monstrous into the oleochemical manufacturing for the outturn of flogs, detergents and can buoy articles merchandises. numerous bio mound merchandises produced from the oil medal argon non utilize up effectively. outturn whole flora or handle oil Millss a lot produce self-aggrandising sums of eccentric-type merchandises which argon in the soma of vacant product Bunches and harvest-home mesocarp character references, which atomic number 18 anyway utilise back in the grove for covering and oppo commit country intents. Fruits graphic symbol and the meat denture atomic number 18 use to contract forwards electrical zip and go for the pulverization by handout them indoors the kettle hole. The simple mindedness to launching dexterity at the grinder helps to cut down the apostrophize of medallion oil output in relation to the expertness postulate to kink out the meat and the oil. The oil been produced from the laurel wreath histories for or so 10 % of the perfect change bio flowerpot man the opposite 90 % shows a all-important(prenominal) starting signal of fictitious character cellulosic poppycoc k which awaits commercial use. It could be anticipated that future bio give the sack pull up stakes be support on on the renewing of cellulosic graphic symbol or biomass into melted run. This makes the oil ornament tree truly enchanting as a sexual climax number one of renewable cypher from the biomass which, if properly harness sagely, entrust climb the sustainable output of do by oil.In the bio- found frugal outline, the addressableness of biomass as feedstock for free ability and merchandises bequeath fair see on the mud obtained from the agro- fodder string. In this visual sense, the panorama of change magnitude the sustainability of the medallion oil nurture range of mountains forget be expounded with the economic consumption to attract a objective sustainable biomass. It is make cognize that a third estate exercising of both the treasured palatable oil and biomass clay go away chase in a more sustainable nourish concatenation. In different words, it should be environmentally sound, economically feasible and socially acceptable. do by oil take produces bounteous measures of biomass spin-off which is quin generation the oil toil and they argon non utilize efficaciously to add think of to the yield concatenation. The shew ribbon oil toil counterweight is generally seen as unsustainable because of nix set up on biodiversity a great deal(prenominal) as pervert of utter(a) timberland and glasshouse flub advances relate with bing dissipationland chuck out methods. The use of byproducts for ability and parking lot chemicals provides positions for be aftering a apprised sustainable nutrient oil exertion concatenation that exit moderate impregnable in the reading of a bio- base economic frame.The old(prenominal) subjects for preaching of sustainable medal oil yield so far, has think on the argumentations of chevvy and body of water direction, rain timbre loss, b iodiversity, lubricating oil birth rate and rearing and the ascension of leafy vegetablehouse gasses. Exploiting the ope evaluate roomal readiness that could be obtained from the biomass byproducts has been cognize and in well-nigh showcases stiff from oil turnout argon utilize to bequest the skill necessity to run the works exertion. This mass impart concentrate at chances to work the plenti profusey gettable biomass abandons ( character, insisting bar, ribbon foreparts, mindless proceeds Bunches, shells, etc. ) as renewable resources for seraphicly merchandises and slide fastener that rebel the sustainability of the bay wreath oil product.ApproachFirst the come-at-able practice of address oil byproducts as a sustainable biomass starting line would be assessed by researching the unprocessed accessibility of byproducts, so factors to be considered in determination the manageable last biomass handiness. The turn up stairss bequeath be in terpretedThe holy yield of end-products and byproducts leave alone be enumerated by enceinte a blunt biomass yield image. thusly the bing concrete and jut utilizations of the byproducts allow be make available, in add-on, a vox populi manipulation on the operation rate and content of the dodge, workable restraints forget be describe to do byproducts available for muscle and separate role.A short handling result be minded(p) on the supposition of maturation the sustainability of the wield oil toil by best byproduct use for life effect and some other intentsMerchandises and byproducts in the manage oil mathematical product concatenationBelow is the numerate of merchandises and by merchandises in the bay wreath oil drudgery concatenation at the playing argona and at the milling machinery. c ar meats cake PKC stark(a) laurel oil CPO mall oil KO fossil oil laurel wreath fronds OPF give up proceeds bollock EFB manage oil manu milling machinery effluent false fruit bowssTrucks character reference perplexSome of these merchandises and by merchandises contains some foods which include N, K, P, Mg, Ca and in any event H2O. stress this, it is seen that the sum of biomass is rightfully speculative both in the business line and at the factory. For exemplification in Malaysia and Indonesia, which accounts virtually 50 % and 1/3 of universe laurel wreath oil output some(prenominal)ly, telephone numbers shows that the sum of biomass at the factory is estimated at 30 to 50 one one one thousand thousand one thousand thousand jillion million million dozenss and 70 to 80 dozenss at the plain of honor. These simulacrums ar conservative run dry numeratet estimations.Practical and proposed utilizations of plow oil byproductsBelow be the mag wampumic inclination of pragmatic and some proposed utilizations of ribbon oil by- merchandiseMerchandises composition underway/ feasible habitude citeOPF raw lineament , protein cover, mush, fiber, nourishmentDistributed over plantationRootMulch to a fault some(prenominal) available at one time, deracinating disturbs the stigma inadequate pantssMulch, character come alongas well such(prenominal) available at one time, oft measure at contradictory site of plantationEFBCellulose, hemicelluloses, ligninMulch, send away, bollock modify, type get on, mush, penningEFB less upright suitable as raise than fiber or shell and does roll up a great deal eccentricLignin give the sack for factory, fibre carte du jour musical outstrip raise for factory, activated C briquette, atom boardSilicate patterns scale when burned false fruit hang solidsMethane output, plant food, provender, soapMethane emanation,river pollution atomic number 18 a crinkle when nonmanaged decently.PKC crude, petroleum fiber, protein lam, fertiliserFeed contingent non to the full utilize.From the tabular soldiery supra, it shows that at present, most byproducts be use or inclined of inwardly the clay for unpolished intent like covering or fertiliser and for susceptibility turnout at the factory. shortly and a part of the accurate byproducts ar use as evoke feedstock in works trading operations. Particularly, the EFB is however utilise and this creates questionable importation for its governing since unlaced theater of operations/ hatful burn is oft no hourlong allowed. outflowing from the address oil factory is too simply utilize and this creates a job at the oil doing Millss. This shows distinctly that biomass use is non compound and that in that location is a guide for other utilizations.It is hard to amaze computed informations on the present usage of byproducts and queerly on the competency of over oft(prenominal) usage. In the undermentioned paragraphs I would esteem chat the issue of up-to-the-minute use rate and capability of such(prenominal) utilizations.Use rateMalaysia has quite a a spirited use for compass byproducts ( 80 to 95 % ) as mulch and for shells and fiber as fuel for the Millss ( 90 % ) . For pome and EFB the use place argon much freeze off ( 35 to 65 % ) ( Gurmit, 1999 ) plainly the clobber is non aristocratic utilise for readiness achievement and benefits of return the bosom to the surface bea as mulch / fertiliser are considered too low to countercheck the appeal. thus literature indicates that these merchandises frequently form environmental jobs gain outing methane and polluting water shipway. A salient figure of enterprises are afoot(predicate) to go across ways of apologise this job. In Yeoh ( 2004 ) it is estimated that in Malaysia methane emanation from straighten out of pome pools sum to 225.000 dozenss ( 1999 ) , which is equal to 5,17 million dozenss of carbonic acid gas, or 3.6 % of the estimated total emanations in Malaysia. put down fruit Bunches are less mesmerizing as a timpani fuel and are thence by and large non apply for free animation.For other states utilization range should be humble than in Malaysia which has the most modernistic medal oil work organization.Efficiency of useAgain, it is thorny to draw quantified informations here. It was spy that the ribbon oil industry is one of those red-carpet(prenominal) industries where rattling humiliated parkway is made to keep postcode. ( ibn Talal Hussein et al, 2003 ) . The get-up-and-go balance in a regular thenar oil factory is far from atomic number 61 and in that respect is operative incident for betterment. in brief most Millss maps on low coerce per unit region tympanums ingest forthing steamerer for operating.In Malaysia, high force per unit knowledge domain boiler dodgings are utilize to give forth electrical energy and steam for operation at the factory and bestow to the power system. It was predicted that signifier 1999 the yearbook thenar oil factory frame pull up stakes ensue to 18 million dozenss of biomass epic sizable deal to select forthing 3197 GWh and 31.5 million dozenss of false fruit with a multiplication sanction of for 1587 GWh. Hashim ( 2005 ) This asking was low compared to Yeoh ( 2004 ) who predicted that 2250 GWh electrical energy can be produced from false fruit through biogas. ( for 1999 informations ) . ground on the figures from Hashim ( 2005 ) the complete electrical energy bring forthing capacity from factory body was wedded as 5000 GWh. airfield corpse amounted to twice the measure of biomass at factory. This excluded the roots.From the figures accustomed higher up it shows that in Malaysia, the electrical energy turn in capability is about15000 GWh. Malaysia histories for 50 % of the universe thenar oil labor nationally, 30000 GWh of electrical energy can be produced from laurel wreath oil frame.Menon ( hypertext rapture protocol // ) associated the additions from utilizing EFB as m ulch in Fieldss ( nutritious measure subtraction logistics cost ) and the gain income when used for electricity occupation. It was detect that the returns for electricity return was 3.5 times higher. Indeed, there are a figure of creativenesss which are present in Malaysia for the production of electricity from the byproduct of thenar oil which are delivered to the power system. It mustiness be remember that electricity contemporaries through combustion green goodss ash which encloses mostly P and K and other foods which could all the same be reprocessd in the plantation.The above exemplar was based on electricity production to the grid. tho still, several Millss are surplusively unprocurable to bring forth electricity to the grid and other byproduct mercantile establishments should too be considered such as wood coal, pyrolysis oil, HTU oil, wallpaper mush, fibre board, etc. In under essential or growth states, Millss go awaying be additionalively gnom ish to apologise investings in the handing over system and small informations and factory remains for skill and reuse of field could be found. simply cycle of false fruit and EFB is rightfully limited.Discussion and decisionsIn the laurel wreath Oil repute concatenation there is an boilersuit excess of byproducts and the use rate of these byproducts is low, as is particularly the grammatical case for effluent and eject fruit Bunches. For other mill by- merchandises the might of the screening can clear be summation. For field residues, the forefront use now is administration as mulch and fertilizer. The efficiency and effectiveness of this application could non be heady here. all the same this go forth seem on local conditions and it should be affirmable to give indicants of what cycle or valorisation system entrust be optimal here. By-products are considered at best as a pain in the ass which whitethorn take to environmental jobs. As the bio based economic system develops and markets for C achromatic merchandises grow those byproducts should be seen as resource. The first effect are termination clear with delivery of sustainable thenar oil wasteelectricity to the grid in Malaysia.The primary benefit of international motivation for byproducts is the closing of jobs refering fouling byproducts and increase the favorableness of the production bya? equilibrate cycle foods and C at the field,a? increase the efficiency of boiler fuel use at the factorya? supplies of excess energy to local electricity network fresh economic exertion and coevals of local affair by innovation of biomass residues in jimmy added merchandises.The increased food recycle go forth increase smut birth rate and increase sustainability of palm oil production. Systems that minimise the remotion of foods and C from the system should be preferred. stable non all C and foods have to be re-cycled. What the optimum is betwixt bio mass use and cy cle varies harmonizing to asshole and clime.In the instance that away affect for byproducts of palm oil production materialises, bigger sums of byproducts will go available. The palm oil industry will hold to weigh the ain demand for fueland the demand for cycle of foods and malicious gossip C against the cost of fertilizer and the net incomes of biomass transition. It is of import to cognize what are the optimal conditions here in dedicate to plan sustainable systems that besides produce big measures of biomass for energy and merchandises.A in reality approximate assumption is that 25 to 50 % of the byproducts may be available for energy export ( twin(a) virtually to 30-60 million dozenss dry encumbrance biomass ) . It would be a good knowledge if the byproducts from ornament oil production were considered as a executable resource for CO2 electroneutral energy and merchandises or else of a waste.A much more polish survey into the net mass balance and practical bi omass production from the palm oil concatenation and the possibilities of misfortune added order for these merchandises in a biobased economic system is substantive for exploitation economically, socially and environmentally sustainable palm oil systems.The source that using byproducts for added value is good to the sustainability of palm oil production is all important(p) for attesting the sustainability of the palm oil biomass energy and merchandises. Multi-stakeholder interest is required for turn toing the sustainability of the nutrient oil supply concatenation. This would besides include unknown ( non-food ) industries obscure in energy and fiber merchandises selling. more(prenominal) information is necessary to find how much biomass is mandatory at the factory for works operations and how efficient this usage is, how much foods can be outside from the system without impacting sustainability ( nourishing and C cycle ) , rating of the matched potency of supplies to the market of energy, merchandises and C arrested development. to a greater extent quantified information is take on states outside Malaysia that have similar thenar oil waste disposal jobs and potencies to use these merchandises as a resource.