Saturday, December 28, 2019

Fixing Alcoholism With Psychology Essay - 966 Words

Fixing Alcoholism with psychology The subject that we will be fixing in this essay is ‘Doug’. Doug has a problem with drinking. He had an easy upbringing, but lived with a military father. Doug has been drinking since he was a teenager. Doug realizes that if he continues to drink that it will continue to damage his life. His drinking has caused major problems in his life already, he has gone through two divorces because he cannot stop drinking, he has lost two children, and broken his family. Doug uses drinking as a crutch. By helping Doug end his drinking habits, he could turn his life around for the better. Part One; Behaviorist Perspective; Classical Conditioning UCS→UCR (Unconditioned Stimulus→Unconditioned Response) CS→CR (Conditioned Stimulus→Conditioned Response) Classical Conditioning; â€Å"conditioning in which the conditioned stimulus (as the sound of a bell) is paired with and precedes the unconditioned stimulus (as the sight of food) until the conditioned stimulus alone is sufficient to elicit the response (as salivation in a dog)† (Webster). The original person that has been credited with this finding is Russian psychologist, Ivan Pavlov. Applying this perspective to the problem behavior; Whenever Doug normally goes to get a drink, there is nothing stopping him. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

`` Two Kinds `` By Amy Tan And The Rocking Horse Winner Essay

The Cusp of Success A common theme we see in the two stories, â€Å"Two Kinds† by Amy Tan, and â€Å"The Rocking Horse-Winner† by D.H Lawrence is the detrimental effects that a forcing a bar of success can have on developing adolescents. Recognizing that the product of success is generally good, clouds the notion that there is in fact a wide range of effects that chasing success can bring about. Some of these effects have positive repercussions, teaching adolescents discipline and work ethic. However, some of the effects are quite negative, especially in those that are too young to truly care for themselves. Forcing a cusp of success on adolescents indirectly in â€Å"The Rocking Horse-Winner† or directly in â€Å"Two Kinds† pushes the children to achieve the impossible resulting in a breaking point in the adolescent characters. Paul is infatuated with luck for after being convinced that luck is the bane of his father and family he feels as if he is responsible for maintain ing his family s happiness with the success that his luck brings. Whispers that creep through his house are whispers of depression and doubt that plague Paul driving him forwards thus he states, â€Å"I started it for mother. She said she had no luck, because father is unlucky, so I thought if I was lucky, it might stop the whispering (Lawrence 8). Paul finds himself encumbered with the burden of maintaining a family s happiness. As an adolescent hoping to please his mother Paul must push himself past the limit of theShow MoreRelatedEmpaty Lacking Essay1662 Words   |  7 Pagesoccurs that prevents the parent from empathy. The stories â€Å"Two Kinds, and â€Å"The Rocking Horse Winner† show that a parent’s lack of empathy impacts the child’s search for the self in the following phases: first, the search for the self is stunted and replaced with a mantra; second, the mantra intensifies; in the last stage, the consequences are revealed. After the first conversation between Paul and Hester, his mother, in â€Å"The Rocking Horse Winner†, Paul’s natural search for the self enters the first

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Detecting Activity Network Traffic Analysis -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Detecting Activity Network Traffic Analysis? Answer: Introducation VTB Russia is one of the most recognizable global financial service providers occupying a dominant place in the banking industry. The business experts of VTB Russia have expanded their wings all over the CIS countries such as Armenia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Austria and Germany. People of various geographical backgrounds are aware of the service process of VTB Russia. The most effective shareholder of VTB Bank is Russian Government, which owns 60.9% of voting shares ( 2018). The primary mission of this specific company is to deliver effective services by maintaining superior quality of their products. The current strategy that VTB Russia tends to follow is 5Cs strategy for executing the entire process of business successfully. Fine Cs strategy includes: Every business organization has to face innumerable barriers in executing a strategic plan properly. VTB especially intends to face a gap between plan and action. Causal logic primarily aims to align projects with strategic objectives bottom-up not every legitimate activity emerges from top-down planning. Business organization like VTB has to implement innumerable strategies within the business process (Srivastava and Sushil 2013). As a result, the business managers have to face difficulties in executing every single business strategy effectively. This very specific stage is helpful to critically analyze the pros and cons of various business plans for reducing complexity. After implementing a proper strategic plan VTB managers intend to make an effective evaluation whether the organizational structure is compatible enough in making these plans and policies successful (Goetsch and Davis 2014). VTB as a financial service provider has decided to engross the market of Austria and Germany. The business managers have analyzed that this organization has sufficient number of workforce strength in order to maintain a balance between supply and demand. The responsibility of business experts is to maintain business sustainability in the market. While providing effective services in the market of Russia, VIB has analyzed on how they can continue and maintain the standard of products and quality of services. This particular business strategy enabled VTB to appoint research and development team within services (Parisi 2013). The role of this specific department is to analyze the risk factors of implemented business plan. Maintaining clarity within the services is one of the most significant strategies and policies that VTB tends to follow. Russian government is the primary shareholder of this specific organization (Jamil 2013). Therefore, the service providers always intend to maintain a transparent and effective customer relation with the clients. The various sectors with which VTB tends to deal are as follows: Obstacles of strategic execution: It is undeniable that VTB has faced innumerable challenges while executing the strategies within business services due to several reasons. Followings are the primary obstacles that this organization has faced while executing the plan: Lack of workforce strength in comparison to the number of customers Clients are based on public sector mainly. Private organizations are not interested in using the services of VTB Communication gap between the service providers and service users Customers point of view states that VTB has low profit growth Process of translating strategy into action: After identifying the obstacles for executing the strategic planning successfully, VTB has decided to focus on several aspects. Based on those components VTB would be able to translate their strategy from idea to action. Enterprise Resource Planning: Enterprise Resource Planning primarily aims to integrate the back office business process by facilitating the flow of information within organization. ERP software enables to collect organizational data from different level of an organization by connecting business activities across the department (Hollenbeck and Jamieson 2015). After using this specific process, VTB is able to give services with the help of composed data. As a result, employees are able to maintain integrated workflow. The organization does not have to dependent on the employee strength. As a result, implemented strategies can be made successfully. Total Quality management: Total quality management is the process based on which organization tends to focus on improving products and services. This specific approach is based on 8 principles that enable the business providers in improving entire process of business (Uittenhove and Lemaire 2012). The 8 primary factors based on which service providers of VTB has focused to improve their quality of services are as follows: Focus on satisfying customers Total employee involvement Strategic and systematic approach Continual improvement as per customers feedback Strategic decision making Maintain focus communication Business Process Reengineering: Business Process Reengineering is one of the most effective business strategies based on which the organization can focus on customer service, cut operational cost and World-class competitors. One specific issue has been identified that VTB is not efficient enough in involving the employees within services properly (Malladi and Krishnan 2012). The organization has not appointed large number of employees within the services so that customers can get the entire services within proper time. In this kind of situation, Business Process Reengineering has been implemented within the process of business. This specific form of strategy has enabled VTB to implement ERP planning with the help of which employees can work together with composed data and information. Six Sigma: Six Sigma in general view, is a form of data driven approach in quest of eliminating defects from the entire operation process. In this very specific study, some of the major issues faced by VTB have already been highlighted. Employees are not providing effective services to the customers due to the lack of strength. In addition, employees are not comfortable enough in being accustomed with the advancement of psychology (Sharma, Vlosky and Romagnoli 2013). However, the business experts in this situation have implemented Six Sigma method. With the help this specific method, VTB has been instructed to focus on several factors such as total employee involvement, strategic decision making, effective customer services and working with composed data. ERP, Total quality management, Business Process Reengineering and Six Sigma are the several ways based on which strategic ideas of VTB can be translated into action. People belonging to various geographical boundaries and attitudes are associated within the services of VTB. Therefore, the business managers should focus on providing effective career progression planning. As a result, they would be able to maintain balance between customers demands and supply. Strategic risk management and development of strategic performance management Risk management is the systematic method of evaluating the risk factors on the implemented strategies. As a result, the organization does not have to face any kind of barriers in running the business process. While evaluating the current strategy of VTB it has been pointed out that, the organization has faced numerous challenges. Services providers are unable to communicate with the clients properly due to language barrier (Teller, Kotzab and Grant 2012). VTB has become very much dependent on government. Most of the private organizations have showed their reluctances in receiving financial services from VTB due to poor services from the employees. After identifying risk factors, some of the most effective development strategy has been implemented within the business process of VTB. The development strategy includes: Development of product for satisfying customers: VTB has decided to render product development in order to expand their business in different multinational countries. Investment banking and wholesale banking was the core product with which VTB generally dealt (Levenson 2015). However, the business experts have decided to bring general insurance, health insurances, life banking and retail banking in quest of increasing the rate of target customers. After the initiative of retail banking, large number of private sectors would like to show their interest in receiving the services of VTB. Rendering a change on corporate culture: As per the corporate culture in Russian banking industry, group performance never gets priority than individual performance. Business managers always crave for getting good performances from individual. Srivastava (2014) opined that in order to meet long-term business target business employees have to focus on improving group performance. Every individual team would have to perform well for grabbing customers attention. Advanced technology: While using ERP planning and other financial software employees should be efficient with the changing process of technology. Otherwise, the organization would not be able to deliver the services within proper time (Sabt, Achemlal and Bouabdallah 2015). After the emergence of technology, VTB gets more opportunities to promote their entire services in various geographical boundaries. As a result, people of global market are aware of the services of VTB. Effective financial performance: VTB aims to provide the best financial services to the customers. It provides obvious stakeholder meaning for transformation, but brings potential conflict between cost optimization and major transformation spending on operational level. While providing financial services the employees would have to show their professional gesture (Villeneuve and Bennett 2012). Based on this professional gesture customers of various cultural and psychological backgrounds and attitudes would get equal respect and priority. Proper structure of the organization: VTB while developing the strategies should focus on maintaining proper organizational structure and hierarchy. Function, products and services, Market segmentation and matrix are the four major components based on which VTB should improve their internal structure. Function is the primary hierarchy that VTB tends to follow. The primary function of this specific organization is to provide clear instruction to the manager in order to control the entire process of business (Ivanov and Sokolov 2013). In order to gain organizational image and reputation business experts have to focus on maintaining quality of products and services. VTB primarily deals with Investment banking and wholesale banking. However, the product managers of this organization has decided to implement general insurance, health insurances, life banking and retail banking for increasing more customers within the service process. Designs and systems of organizations aligned with the strategies Every business organization has to follow a proper design and system that can be aligned with their strategies and policies. The elements, which are sorted out for designing the system, are as follows: Organizational process: In quest of maintaining business sustainability, the organization follows a proper process regulations and acts. The regulations that VTB has implemented within the business process include health and safety act, right to information act, data protection act, anti-discrimination act and so on. On the other hand, VTB is very much flexible in providing equal priority and response to every single customer (Unger, Gemnden and Aubry 2012). In addition, employees after facing any kind of health issue at the workplace can get a proper assistance from the business experts. Interface management: Interface management primarily signifies the overall hierarchy that a specific business organization maintains in order to control the overall process of business. Operation manager plays the primary role within the work floor of VTB. Large number of assistant managers works in several departments under operation manager (Castronovo and Huang 2012). Managers tend to direct the team leaders in performing well so that employees working under that team leader get the motivation of effective performances. Capacity of the organization: In order to maintain proper organizational hierarchy business experts should have sufficient financial resources. As a result, the organization would be able to improve their performances. After evaluating the entire organizational capacity, it is critically analyzed that VTB is not sufficient in providing effective training and development session to the employees due to economic constraints (Men and Scheef 2014). Employees do not get much exposure in improving their professional skill and company. However, in order to render development strategy the organization needs to focus on employee performance evaluation so that customers can get better services. Management style: Democratic management style is the way of success that VTB tends to believe for expanding their business. VTB with the help of democratic form of leadership style never intends to impose own decision on the employees. Employees have the right to express their point of regarding the success of business (Castronovo and Huang 2012). As a result, the employer and employees can maintain an effective rapport with each other on the work floor. After following this particular management style, the business managers have identified the areas of both success and failure. The positive and negative impact has been pointed out below: Positive effects: Employee engagement Effective delivery of services Effective strategic plan to render the success of business Collective decision making Transparency within the services Negative effects: Misuse the flexile work environment Incoherence on the work Ineffective delivery of services Biasness towards evaluating the level of performances Evaluation of good and weak practices: After analyzing the entire organizational structure along with the management policy, it can be evaluated that VTB likes to follow democratic form of management style while regulating the entire process of business. Democratic form of leadership style implies that employees and employees are flexible in making organizational policies with the help of collective decision-making (Ivanov and Sokolov 2013). In this kind of situation, employees do not have to focus enough difficulties in providing their good services to the customers. On the other hand, it has also been observed that extreme level of employee engagement is hampering the workflow of VTB. The employees are from different geographical backgrounds and attitudes. As a result, business managers have faced innumerable challenges in receiving effective decision from the employees. Recommendations: After evaluating the entire strategic execution plan of VTB some of the major recommendations can be provided: Managers should focus on developing the professional skills of employees. After the business expansion of VTB in Germany and Austria, business experts have faced immense difficulties in fulfilling the needs and demands of the customers due to communication gap and psychological barrier (Villeneuve and Bennett 2012). However, it can be recommend that the human resource managers should provide an effective training and career development session to the employees based on which the employees can improve their performances. Democratic form of management style is not suitable for VTB in any circumstance. This particular organization being one of the most recognizable financial service providers of Russia should follow transformational form of management style (Levenson 2015). In order to overcome any kind of sudden crisis the managers should implement autocratic decision on the business process. As a result, they would be able to overcome the crisis as soon as possible. Involving the employees for gathering their point of view may not be effective at that time for resolving the issue properly for VTB. Reference List: Cadez, S. and Guilding, C., 2012. Strategy, strategic management accounting and performance: a configurational analysis.Industrial Management Data Systems,112(3), pp.484-501. Castronovo, C. and Huang, L., 2012. Social media in an alternative marketing communication model.Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness,6(1), p.117. 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Menace Ii Society free essay sample

Derrick Smith Thomas SO 325 Menace II Society In life we all have to make decisions that we feel will give us the most personal gain. Although we make decisions that are meant to have the most positive effect on us, they don’t always result in the most positive outcomes. In the movie â€Å"Menace II Society†, we follow Kane Lawson through his life as he makes decisions that will alter his life in the best way he feels is possible. Kane has grown up in a rough, predominantly black neighborhood filled with poverty, drug dealing, gang violence, and death. The choices Kane has to make to better himself could result from the conclusion of a few different kinds of Criminal theories. I will explain how six different theories could explain the events that took place in the movie. The first theory I will discuss is Social Learning. Social Learning Theory is the focus on learning socially constructed meanings and beliefs through the association of peers and family. We will write a custom essay sample on Menace Ii Society or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page People are socialized to understand these meanings and beliefs then they negotiate these meanings through family and friends where they then are reinforced. This is the process where we not only learn the â€Å"how-to†, but the â€Å"why it’s ok† to engage in criminal acts. Sutherland states that Differential Association is learned through interactions with others and through the intensity and frequency of these interactions we learn the techniques and the attitudes. Akers adds that operant conditioning, such as external positive and negative reinforcement and punishers, along with imitation, and modeling contribute to the reason an individual leads to crime.